Waiting results - breast biopsy

This is very new to me , l wanted to say thank you to everyone who is posting there journeys on here. I started my journey on Monday, l went to the breast clinic after being referred by doctor. The morning was long and had two mammograms one 2D then one 3D, followed by a ultrasound. The news is that they are concerned and have taken a biopsy, also implanted magnetic bit of metal in the lump, they said just in case of surgery , l am in a bit of shock to be fair. I suffer with cysts for a long time and just thought it was that. My family and work colleagues are being incredibly supportive and to be fair l am doing okay, a few tears come and go. Jill the amazing lady who went through everything said that the lump is very small, they have scanned under by armpit to my lymph nodes and there isn’t anything there, l am feeling positive and on Monday l will find out, if it is Cancer Jill says it is very early and will be treated. The waiting is hard !! 

  • Offline in reply to Naha

    Hi Naha, 

    I hope you don’t mind me contacting you, l have been thinking of you today, and hope you okay and with either your family or friends . Sending you a hug even though l don’t know you. We certainly have gone through the same agony these last few weeks Kate 

  • Offline in reply to Wells

    My results have come and l have invasive ductal carcinoma 

    grade 1 or 2 oestrogen receptor high , herceptin receptive low

    This week, l have had MRI scan with dye , 6 more biopsy’s and another mammogram. The consultant was very helpful and explained that want to do more tests which l have had then take it from there. It is contained, not in my lymph nodes. Either Radiotherapy / lumpectomy or Radiotherapy/ mastectomy , followed by hormonal tablets 
    I am being really well looked after, every one at the Hospital is lovely & kind. 
    I am relieved l know, just need to wait till 3 to get all the results back . 

  • My results have come and l have invasive ductal carcinoma 

    grade 1 or 2 oestrogen receptor high , herceptin receptive low

    This week, l have had MRI scan with dye , 6 more biopsy’s and another mammogram. The consultant was very helpful and explained that want to do more tests which l have had then take it from there. It is contained, not in my lymph nodes. Either Radiotherapy / lumpectomy or Radiotherapy/ mastectomy , followed by hormonal tablets 
    I am being really well looked after, every one at the Hospital is lovely & kind. 
    I am relieved l know, just need to wait till 3 to get all the results back . 

  • Hi Kate,

    That is absolutely fine, great to hear from you. I’ve seen your results post and was going to reply once I’d also known of both my results and treatment plan. 

    I’m really sorry to hear of your confirmed diagnosis. I received my results earlier than expected, last Wednesday (and it was on my birthday). Like you, it’s invasive breast cancer oestrogen receptive, very similar circumstances as yours with a grading of somewhere between 1 and 2 and still contained/not spread to lymph nodes. At this stage my treatment plan has not yet been agreed or finalised, but I have been told that I will need also need the surgery to remove the lump, for which I am seeing the consultant surgeon next week to discuss. I might also need radiotherapy (unconfirmed), then followed by the hormone therapy tablets. 

    Just trying to come to terms with all this, and feeling up and down. This diagnosis has been completely out of the blue, as otherwise I consider myself to be fit and well, I have loads of energy and am very active with a busy home with family, and work life (I work full time). I’m also a good few years younger than the average age of breast cancer diagnosis. 

    It’s all very overwhelming isn’t it?  From what you’ve said, it sounds like the healthcare you are receiving is really good and thorough. It’s reassuring to know that you are being well looked after. My experience so far has been good too. I really do wish you all the best on this journey, I too shall be thinking of you. Please let me know how you get on when you can, and I’ll do the same. Take care x