Awaiting appointment


Since my previous post of finding a lump in my left breast and the lymph node raised in my left armpit I have also had an MRI in regard to my ongoing gynae issues. I have cysts on my left ovary and am waiting for a call back from my gynaecologist today and will be having my appointment in the rapid access breast clinic on Monday. I'm not sure if it is all linked but I'm worried. I am throwing up randomly, very fatigued and have zero appetite. How is everyone else managing to keep themselves occupied? My mind is constantly racing. I'm busy with my 2 children but I have been put off work due to not being able to fulfil my duties (I did try reducing my hours) but I'm shattered by about 11am. Also how is everyone else managing their symptoms? Is anything helping? 

  • I had a referral made yesterday for an appointment within two weeks...I'm a wreck and keep crying. I've had a fibroid removed in one breast and a very large cyst in the other. Its on the same side so not sure if cyst, fibroid or worse case scenario. Work were not supportive yesterday and I just couldn't go in today. I'm so tired and I cannot sleep it is all I can think of. I've lost about 1/2 a stone - which was needed as is the same amount again. Post menopausal now so very scared

  • I have also been waiting 2 weeks and it feels like the longest 2 weeks. I have a good spell and then randomly burst into tears. I was due a phone call this afternoon from gynae but she didn't call so hopefully tomorrow. Sorry to hear that your work was not supportive but your health is way more important. I feel the same so tired but cannot sleep. Good luck with your appointment and hope you get positive news.