Suspected melanoma waiting for results

Hi, I’ve had a lifelong tan large mole on the side of my foot that changed colour and developed a black patch the end of last year. Originally I ignored the change as it didn’t itch. I eventually saw Gp end of jan who put me on 2 week pathway. Mole was seen by derm 3 weeks later. I was told it looked like early changes and possibly acral lentiginous melanoma.

the mole was removed one month later. I was told I would get results by letter or called in to discuss and it would take upto 8 weeks.

I’ve passed 7 weeks now, I rang dermatologist secretary yesterday to be told still no results and they’re now expected 8-10 weeks.

am I foolish to think that the longer it goes on that the result is more likely to be benign ? I’ve read a lot of people have received a diagnosis after 3-5 weeks.

as time goes by I’m getting more and more anxious each day.

Ive had biopsies from colon and womb in the past and benign  results were pretty quick.. this is absolute torture having to now wait upto 10 weeks.

im based in Wolverhampton, has anyone else had to wait this long for results.

  • Hi Angie,

    I'm afraid most hospital Trusts have very long waiting lists for results currently. This is because there is a large lack of histologists around the country & a bigger backlog as more people are seeking help for dodgy moles.

    I'm also afraid that you can't tell by the amount of time taken whether the results are benign or malignant. It's first come first served.

    The results waiting period is an ever changing landscape - with your Trust it's got longer since you had your excision. It's an awful amount of stress for a patient to be under & there is no sign of it improving soon. I hope you get them back quickly but meanwhile try & find a way to distract yourself from the worry. Good luck & please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Thank you for your reply.. its really tough when your mind is going back & forth.. hopefully not much longer to wait.. currently my heart skips a beat when my phone rings and I get so disappointed when the postman has been. Each day feels like a week.

    i will post when I receive my results. 

  • I'm in a similar situation although I don't yet know what type of skin cancer they are suspecting I have. All they said was suspected skin cancer. I am now approaching the 8 weeks next moday. And still heard nothing at all. I'm worried they are going to keep extending the time. This all just seems so cruel. I hope you hear back soon and that it's a good outcome for you're results