Is there an undiagnosed lymphoma/ sepsis link -advice for toddler

My toddler (aged 2) has had an enlarged lymph node on his neck for almost a year. I was worried, but figured he would have other concerning symptoms if there was a problem. I've mentioned it to healthcare professionals who haven't seemed too concerned. 

He has itchy skin, which has at times kept him awake and we have creams for eczema. He has frequent infections and has had a lot of antibiotics (but he is also a toddler).

Last week he developed sepsis, following an infection that was never identified. It was caught early, and he is okay. But it has got me wondering if the two are linked. Everyone I've spoken to has asked if he has a compromised immune system or something else that contributed to the sepsis- but I'm not sure?

The paediatric team said to wait 5 weeks so this infection etc has all cleared up and then take him to the GP who can then follow the process for a lump in neck. It's agonising waiting and obviously the sepsis was really worrying too. I can't work out if the two could be related and any stories would be really helpful to compare. The hospital did bloods, so I am assuming they would have shown something of there was an issue? But the infection maybe masked these symptoms?


  • Welcome to the forum Star_rain_ although I'm really sorry to hear about your son's symptoms and that he recently developed sepsis following an unidentified infection. Finding that out last week must have been very scary, but I'm glad it's been caught early and I hope his recovery is going well.

    Unfortunately I can't say whether the infection and sepsis are connected but you're very welcome to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk and will do all they can to help.

    I do hope you hear back from some of our members soon as well but in the meantime, we're thinking of you Star_rain_ and wishing your son all the best.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator