For score of 1284 at 16

I’ve had trouble with my bowels for at least 3 years now. After having a raised calprotectin and a fit score of 35, last October I had a colonoscopy and 7 biopsies that showed it was all normal. However, I have had dark red blood in my stools every time I’ve been to the toilet this week and my fit score came back as 1284. My calprotectin wasn’t raised and I’m supposedly being referred back to gastro. I have a family history of colitis but no sign of it on my colonoscopy. Wondering if I should push for them to look into cancer. I’m only 16 which I why it took nearly three years to get seen by gastro in the first place. But being younger has meant no one has taken me seriously. I’ve been getting quite bad abdo pain for years and have tried the low FODMAP diet twice and it hasn’t helped.

  • The colonoscopy is how they look into cancer and it sounds like you've already had that. That is the gold standard bowel cancer test. If they didn't find cancer on that, it is very unlikely you have it and I don't think there are any other tests that would be as good at finding cancer. If you've had a colonoscopy, they have looked into cancer. It's the same test that checks for multiple things.

    Definitely push them for more information though. It's worth asking if they have any ideas about what could be causing this or if you need any further tests.