
hi :)

I went to A and E 6 weeks ago for what we thought was my appendix. They operated the same day but found lots of free fluid and my colon was thickened, inflammed and in their words 'very angry looking'. I have to have a colonoscopy next week to see whats going on. I am in my early 20s and don't know what to expect. 

  • I have had several colonoscopies over the years and will be having a further one on 4th June.

    The bowel needs to clean to ensure a thorough examination is possible.  This entails a light diet for a couple of days before.  Followed by taking a liquid prep during the 36 hours prior to the procedure. Powder, mixed in water which means frequent visits to the bathroom.  The colonoscopy is performed by passing a flexiscope via the anus which has a mico camera attached.  Full explanation of the prep, diet and procedure will be sent to you from the hospital you attend. 

    Thinking of you ⚘️