Response to Appointment Request

I’m new to this forum. Found myself here because I couldn’t find anything through the search bar that connected to the question I have. Hoping I can find it on this forum. I requested an appointment with my local gp today because I’d seen some anomalies in a mole recently, but despite the fact that normally a fast response from the practice would be comforting, I’m paranoid instead. I had an email back within 20 minutes of making the request. I don’t know if it’s an automated system or if they saw something worrying  in the report and image I sent. Now I’m terrified I’ll be told straight out there’s a chance of melanoma.

  • Hi Allybal

    I think that a lot of doctors surgeries act pretty fast when it comes to checking suspect moles out.  I have had 3 occasions when I contacted them with regard to worries with moles, on each occasion they had me in to check them on the same day.

    Try not to worry, any changes to moles need to be checked out, but in the majority of cases it turns out ok.  I have had numerous moles removed and biopsies taken over the years and none of them have turned out to be cancer yet (fingers crossed that continues!)

    Dont worry if your gp refers you through to dermatology for your mole to be checked, that is also quite normal and alot of the time it will be on the two week cancer pathway.  Please dont panic, its not because they necessarily think that it is cancer, it is to rule it out!  It just gets you seen qicker than having to wait months for it.

    I hope it goes well for you and you get it sorted quickly.

    Best wishes
