Hysteroscopy Results

Hi. I had a hysteroscopy due to a postmenopausal small show which lasted intermittently over the course of a day. I had what was like period pain & frequently get lower back & thigh pain. I've been post menopausal for 5 years. 

During the transvaginal scan the consultant said I had a cyst in my ovary & some uterine thickening which she said can be common in post menopausal women.

She then advised me to have a uterine biopsy which I did have & I had a few small polyps removed. This was carried out under a general anaesthetic. 

I was advised that the biopsy results can take up to 6 weeks. I had the biopsy two weeks ago so does this mean it's very likely that I am in the clear? Also do you receive the results by letter? 

I haven't had any further show so I do feel quite positive that my results will be normal. I have another gynaecology appointment in July but not sure why. It was made at my appointment when I had the transvaginal scan. 

Has anyone had any abnormal outcome following a very small post menopausal show/bleed? 

  • Hi Freddy68 and welcome to our online community.

    I'm sorry about the symptoms you've been experiencing and what was found during your scan but I'm glad you decided to take your consultant's advice and go ahead with the biopsy.

    How results are received can differ depending on what part of the country you're in, so if you're not sure how you will be getting yours, don't be afraid to get in touch with your consultant or consultant's secretary to find out. They may be able to answer some of the other questions you have, such as the appointment scheduled for July, as well.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in similar situation will stop by soon to share their experiences and advice but if there is anything you'd like to discuss further with one of our cancer nurses, you can do so on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday (except bank holidays) between 9a.m - 5p.m. 

    We're thinking of you Freddy68 and will have our fingers crossed you won't have to wait too much longer for your results.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator