Worried I have Non Hodgkins Lymphoma

As the title says… I am worried I have NHL. I have read lots of posts on this forum that states the results for people with similar concerns were all clear but I can’t help but worry. It’s a long read but I would appreciate hearing others stories. 

Aug 2023 I had awful tonsillitis (not unusual for me) but it wouldn’t go away so was tested for Gladular Fever, blood results show that I have had G.Fever in the last year but wasn’t present at that point. 
Sept 2023 I was much better after sleeping for almost the month however, one lymph node would not go down. 
Oct 2023 had FBC & US on my lump which shows -7mm node and the report said to have clinic observations. Bloods came back normal so I didn’t hear anything from my GP. 

Fast forward to April 2024 l still have a swollen lymph node on my neck, to the left (of where an adams apple would be I guess?) it’s hard to tell if it has got bigger. I have drenching night sweats, which I have had for a couple of years now. However, they are getting so bad that my bedding is soaked too. I’m so physically exhausted. The fatigue is immense. I’m only 33 but just the thought of housework exhausts me. Luckily I have a very supportive husband who gives me as much rest as needed. 
i have now noticed pin prick red flat dots all over my arms and my mind is spiralling. I know that anyone who has had the Epstein Barr virus is of higher risk, so that just adds to my worry, alongside my symptoms. 

I know the obvious answer is to go to go back the GP but the lump is too small and in my mind I’m thinking anything sinister, surely it would have grown much bigger? 

Has anyone gone through something similar? What was the outcome? 

  • Hello Sophie448P

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with some ongoing health issues for a while now. It sounds like it's been a difficult time and it's good to know that you have support at home. 

    There could be any number of causes for the symptoms you've described. The best person to arrange any appropriate tests and referrals to get a clear diagnosis for you would be your GP so please do make an appointment to talk with them as soon as you're able too. Hopefully they will be able to give you some reassurance. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope you have some answers soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator