Peg,Teeth,Pain!! Preparing for my husband's Throat/ Tonsil Cancer treatment

Evening All.

Stephen my Husband has now had 5 teeth out in preparation for his Throat/ Tonsil Cancer treatment,he has already had his feeding peg fitted 2 weeks ago and has had to deal with

that getting infected(I think we were given this kiss of death by a nurse telling us how to look after it but saying "if this gets infected... thats very rare!) so a weeks dose of liquid Fluxacillin

down another to go... and he's really suffering having had the last wisdom tooth plus another molar out today his face is very swollen let alone the swelling from the lymph nodes on his neck!

He is extremely frustrated with having to loose perfectly healthy teeth let alone the feeling of anger too..... 10 days of healing then the chemo/radiotherpy starts 

Bring it on!! we have holidays and life to enjoy 


  • Oh Wooley, that sounds rather painful... ouch your poor husband having all these healthy teeth out. I can understand why he is feeling angry and frustrated I hope he heals ok from that but as you said, you have "holidays and life to enjoy" and that is certainly something to look forward to!

    How unlucky that the feeding Peg got infected too and now he has to deal with all that swelling. I hope that he heals from this well so that he can start his chemotherapy/ radiotherapy treatment. You mentioned he had throat/tonsil cancer and it made me think that one of our members Hazel  knows a thing or two (or three!!) about throat/tonsil cancer and you might be interested in reading her past posts - she also has a great blog - so feel free connect with her to share experiences if you would like to do so. 

    Wishing your husband the best of luck with the start of his treatment. I hope it all goes well for him! 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Woolley so sorry you’ve found yourself here. I’m sorry your  hubby had to endure the teeth extraction sadly a few trusts do go down routes.  I was lucky mine didn’t.  I’ve met people in the  last few years who also had the same extractions it’s one of my issues that I’m constantly fighting against. Unless teeth snd gums are shoeing they are in a bad condition often teeth are unnecessarily extracted but you can’t do anything sadly about that. As for  peg I didn't have one I had a ng tube week 3 it’s not uncommon there’s many on other forums that have had early infections keep it clean and it will sort out fingers x. Best advice I can give you is the radiotherapy team. I have first point of call any issues let them know straight away if they don’t know they can  help you medication if he’s having chemo take meds  as directed and the peg it’s there for a reason use it my NG tube was my lifesaver. If youve  any questions pop on last me I was happy to help., take everything one day at a time. Don’t look too far in advance. Want to treatment finishes recovery begins but the treatment also continues to work for a good few weeks. Many consultants blindly say oh and a couple of weeks or Southfield better it’s the exception rather than the rule, and that is what trips a lot of people up. They think they can round before they can walk and now tend to say it’s a marathon not a sprint but you will get there and I’m living proof that that happens .  It’s too late to do anything  for your  hubby s teeth but if I csn help others I will do  one too when he’s over treatment get a regular fluoride   varnish and make sure he’s seen at dentist every 3 months 

    Hugs Hazrl ps read my blog  sorry for typos I’m over in Spain trying to get message done quickly