What are the waiting times like for more tests?

Hi all

I am 39 and have 2 small kids and a husband and I am very scared of this diagnosis. It's made worse by my  mum having died of metastatic breast cancer in 2019. I never anticipated getting it this young!  

I found the lump (4x2cm) at Easter weekend and just had a biopsy result on Friday to tell me its Grade 1 ER+ cancer at 39! I did go private initially as I was told the initial 2ww could be more like 3. But actually it was just under 2 weeks. 

I'm waiting for a NHS appointment (booked in for a telephone appt on Monday) with the same consultant to arrange MRI scan and mammograms and a genetic blood test.  How long do these tests take to get booked in and results to go to the MDT to agree a treatment plan? 

I am really struggling with the waiting and not knowing what's happening. Both of my girls' birthdays are soon and I can't feel that I can plan anything and my life and theirs are totally on hold! 

Thanks all in advance.