Fibroadenoma but no referral


Hoping for some advice please. About two weeks ago I noticed a small hard lump in my breast. I waited nearly two weeks to see my GP as I was on my period at the time and didn't want to be fobbed off with hormones. 

I explained to the GP I'd had pain under my armpit and down the side of my breast but not where the lump is which is on the other side. She did do a physical and decided it was a fibroadenoma and that was it really.

She could tell I wasn't very happy and told me to go back in two weeks.

After speaking to friends in the NHS they have advised going back and pushing for a referral as I'm obviously really concerned that this is only being diagnosed by a GP and with a physical. 

I have made an appointment to go back earlier than the two weeks but I'm also concerned I'm being dramatic and waisting everyone's times.

Just looking for some thoughts please xx 

  • Hi Brix, 

    You are not wasting anybody time! If you have concerns then sound them out. Your friends are correct in saying push for a referral to be scanned even if it is ease your mind or rule anything out.

    So many people have a late diagnoses (not just cancers) due to fears of wasting people time or to that effect. 

    One of my favourite quotes/saying from my Grandfather is that Fear has more control over our minds due to Fear has no answers just more and more questions of the unknown. 

    Make that GP appointment ask for the referral. 

    I wish you well

  • Offline in reply to GreyBear

    Thank you for replying. 

    I have managed to get an appointment to go back, feeling abit anxious as I wouldn't usually question a doctors opinion but I just want to know for definite what it is rather than what a doctor thinks it is.

    Thank you x 

  • Offline in reply to Brix

    You’re more than welcome, glad to hear you have made the appointment. Anxious feeling will be natural reaction. 

    feel free to message anytime 

    Hope all is well x