My sore throat

Hi just really need advice, don't really want to use Google, for the past year I've suffered badly with a sore throat on one side, it used to be on and off but for the past 6 months it's been constant, I did see ent a year ago who did ct scan and showed leukoplakia on my vocal chords, he said he thought the pain was my vocal chords rubbing together. I was discharged. The pain got so much worse, my doctor sent me for ct scan, they said there had been changes in 1 tonsil and an enlarged lymph node that needed biopsied and further testing. I was then sent for mri and ultrasound and although both tests showed enlarged tonsil they said there was no unusual characteristics other than being asymmetrical. The ultrasound showed enlarged lymph node but no unusual characteristics, over the past year and a half I've lost 2 stone unintentionally. Anyway sorry I'm now discharged again and referred to chronic pain clinic I just accept that's it  sorry for the novel I'm 52 and previous smoker until November 

  • Welcome to the forum, Ally52.

    It sounds like you've been through quite a lot with your throat pain and the various tests you've undergone. It's understandable to feel frustrated and concerned, especially with the uncertainty surrounding your symptoms.

    That being said, it's positive that your doctor has referred you to a chronic pain clinic, as they may be able to provide strategies for managing your symptoms and improving your quality of life. However, if you're still feeling uneasy about your symptoms or if they persist, it might be worth discussing your concerns with your doctor again and see if they can give you further insights or referrals to specialists who can offer additional evaluations or treatments.

    Take care, and I hope you find relief and answers soon.

    All the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator