Pathology results waiting times

Hi all

Following odd pelvic symptoms I had some blood tests and was referred by my GP for a scan. It all happened very quickly and although reassuringly my CA125 test was in the normal range the TV scan showed a complex vascular cyst in my ovary. Again, very quickly I saw a gynaecologist and just a few weeks on I had a total hysterectomy with both tubes and ovaries removed. I am post menopausal so have no use for that 'equipment' and was in complete agreement that it was best to have it all gone. My very likeable and relatable gynaecologist is straight talking and said until we have it 'in a jar' we wont know what this is.

It's been 5 weeks since it was packed into a jar and sent to the lab. I had hoped to have had the results by now but when I called for an update I was told that there's a staff shortage of pathologists and the wait time is 12 weeks (down from 19). Work is being sent all over the country to wherever has capacity. Optimistically, I wondered if the longer the wait the greater chance its benign but the realist in me says it will only be when the contents of the jar are analysed in a lab will anyone know if it is indeed cancer. 

I've recovered from the surgery pretty well but I am really struggling with the not knowing. I'm inclined to go back to work in the coming days just to keep me occupied and stop scanning the horizon for the postie. 

I'm in Ayrshire, Scotland. Does anyone have any recent experience of a long wait and if so, how long? And is there anything in my first hypothesis that the longer there's no news the more likely it is to be good news?

Clutching at straws....


  • Welcome to the forum Pinnig although I'm sorry to hear about the long wait for your pathology results.

    This must be incredibly stressful, and frustrating, but sadly this is quite a common state of affairs all over the UK.

    I'm sure some of our members who have been in this position will share their experiences and advice with you soon but in the meantime, try to keep busy and your mind distracted if you can. Always easier said than done I know, especially when having to wait so long, but I hope some of these tips on how to cope with waiting for news will help.

    We're thinking of you Pinnig and will have our fingers crossed for good news

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for replying and providing the link. It is incredibly hard waiting so long and I do understand how chronically underfunded and understaffed our NHS is. Patience has never been my strength but there's nothing else for it. Hopefully news when it comes will be good.