Crater on my face just appeared

Hi, I have just discovered a very small crater on my face with a sort of dry edging around it. It’s really small but just appeared one day last week. It’s skin coloured, maybe a bit more pinky in the crater bit but as soon as I saw it I nearly fell through the floor in panic. Now I have dark olive skin tone and never burn but I’ve been on a sunbed recently so this is worrying me. Its too small to take a photo but does anyone thinks it might be cancer? I am booking an appt with my gp on Monday. I’m so worried

  • Hello sammynrc

    I'm sorry to hear that you had some concerns about your skin over the weekend. I hope that you were able to make an appointment with your GP today. They will certainly be the right people to initially assess this area of concern and arrange any appropriate referrals or treatment. 

    I hope that things settle for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator