Possible ovarian cancer?

Hi all, 

I fear I may have ovarian cancer. After researching types and symptoms, I believe I may have a type of ovarian cancer, possibly germ cell as I am a young female(under 20). I have a transvaginal scan in a couple weeks, just very nervous as my symptoms seem to be getting worse or staying the same. I live a busy life with education, and already symptoms like constant abdominal and ovarian pain that won't go away make my life hard, so I fear what will happen if I am diagnosed as due to my education, chemotherapy/surgery would be pretty hard to juggle with due to the physical and mental demand. 

  • Welcome to the forum Agi although I'm sorry to hear you think you may be experiencing some symptoms of ovarian cancer.

    I know this must be an extremely scary and worrying time, but if you can, try not to think the worst or let your mind run away with you until you know more. Always easier said than done I know, but many of our members who have been in a similar position will completely understand what you're going through, and hopefully some of them will stop by soon to offer their support and advice.

    We're thinking of you Agi and wishing you all the best with your transvaginal scan in a couple of weeks time.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator