

was hit in the chest by a hard ball back in March 2023. Went to GP in April 2023 as area was sore. Referred to breast unit of local hospital and told just trauma tissue and take painkillers, no scan or mammogram taken. July 2023 back to GP as still sore and told it us tissue trauma and may take a year to heal. Tried to put at back of my mind as three professionals said there was nothing to worry about. March 2024 pain started coming back so went to GP who referred me again to breast clinic. Tuesday 16th April 2024 after mammogram, scan and core needle biopsy I was told then and there I have breast cancer. Going back to clinic on Tuesday 23rd April for biopsy results and treatment plan.

Due to fly to USA on Thursday 25th for five days and then to Spain to celebrate daughters birthday on 6th May for five days. I will be distraught if I am told not to fly. Depending on what treatment is in store I want to wait until Monday 13th May.

Told stage 2A based on mammogram and ultrasound and depending on hormone readings (I don’t understand that but about Oestrogen positive), I may need to take a tablet before surgery.

Sorry for long post but if anyone out there has experienced similar or advice please let me know I am not alone.

Thank you