Would they do tests before biospy results given

I'm 46 years old and have never been so terrified waiting in limbo had 3 tests done at breast clinic last thursday including a biospy haven't had any results but now a appointment has been made for a mri scan does this mean the biospy has come back cancerous anyone else experiencing anything similar going out of my mind with worry can't stop thinking of all the negatives 

  • Hello C_G, 

    I can imagine this is a terrifying time for you and the feeling of being in limbo is something many of our members will be able to relate to. The not knowing can be the hardest thing and I thought I would share with you some helpful tips to help you get through this anxious waiting time. It's impossible to know really what it means that you were given this appointment for an MRI scan; it doesn't necessarily mean the biopsy has come back as cancerous but it means they want to do further investigations and it may something they decided before they got the biopsy results; it's difficult to know really but perhaps you could get in touch with them and ask for clarification on this. Our nurses may also be able to tell you more about the diagnosis process - feel free to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Try if you can not to anticipate the worst or focus on the most negative scenario - I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern! 

    Other members of our community will have experienced something similar and will hopefully be along shortly to share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes and I hope that you get some clarity on this very soon, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator