Should I be worried about follow up mri appointment?

Firstly, I reported to my GP a lump. The GP said it’s a Bartholin cyst without examining it. I waited 10 months to see a specialist. 
The specialist said it’s a benign growth. I asked was it serious and he said no. He sent me for an mri scan. The radiologist told me after the scan to book a follow up appointment, is this standard? Then I booked the follow up appointment for 8 weeks time. I then received a phone call from a hospital staff member who said they had a cancellation for tomorrow did I want the appointment, I said yes. I proceeded to ask was it a telephone appointment like the one I had booked and she said no, would I like a telephone appointment, I said yes. She booked it in for 6pm the next evening. I was full of anxiety for 36 hours because the results were back a week later. The consultant did not phone me. I have attempted to call the hospital but the administration team is not there til Monday. I’m extremely worried. Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Adele1234,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear that the specialist didn't phone you as planned, and also that you haven't received a reply to your post up to now.

    Hopefully by now you have been able to speak to the admin team to find out more or to rebook the appointment, and that you get the answers you need soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator