No lumps but pain in breast and underarm

Hi , I was told last week by my go I had a small breast cyst that was infected I went with a burning breast pain and what I can only explain as a cold liquid feel going down the side of my breast I was given antibiotics by the end of the antibiotics I didn’t feel any better so went to a&e as it was a Saturday evening I was then told by the first docter she could feel a cyst with fatty tissue around it they did bloods an said my infection markers came back clear so another docter examined me and said she could not feel anything the pain is still in my breast and now feels like it’s under my arm I can’t feel any lumps but am really worried and thinking the worst iv made another gp appointment for Thursday anyone else experienced anything like that cold fluid feeling in there breast I was thinking of going to get a private scan done 

  • Joanna 

    take no risks if you feel it’s not right make sure you do your own checks with it being a scan or mamogram 

    I had a heaviness in my boob went to breast clinic and had a diagnosis coukdnt feel any lump neither did gp 

    min not saying this could happen to you but be 100 % sure you’ve done the checks 

    good luck love Lara x 

  • Hi what did they do a Mamagram or scan I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis, can i ask what did they diagnose x

  • I went to a one stop breast clinic they did a Mamo biopsy ultrasound same day a full though check I webt to a private breast clinic but nhs also have one stop clinics 

    breast cancer that was in 2022 x 

  • Ok thank u think I’m gonna go get a ultrasound tomorrow then at least if there is soMthing hopfully  will pick it up then I have gp appointment on Thursday so that they can refer me if soMthing is found x

  • Yes 

    try not to worry though it’s probably going to be ok 

    but do your own checks don’t be brushed off until your satisfied.

    my gp or I never felt a lump but it was early stages but by me doing my own work I found it .good luck lovely let us no how you get on x 

  • Will do x

  • How long did it take for the results going private with the one stop 

  • Sane day I was told it looked suspicious, so I knew then but 7 days later biopsy results 

  • Ok think I’m gonna call them tomorrow the pain is driving me mad it’s constant it’s not the fact that the pain is terrible but its there I can’t think straight  did it take long to get the appointment? X