Lump has changed from hard to soft?

Hi all, I posted about a hard irregular shaped movable lump which I saw my GP about who referred me to the breast clinic. I’ve now got an appointment date for 11th April which has helped me relax a bit now there’s a date in mind. 

when I went to my GP my lump was hard, mobile, but irregular shape, I’m 27 so GP said she didn’t suspect anything suspicious but as a precaution she would refer me to the breast clinic. Of course since then I’ve been feeling the lump, there’s no swelling, no nipple discharge and no changes to the skin, anyway it seems to have changed from a hard irregular lump to a much softer squishy lump, so I’m feeling a bit more relaxed as I’m hoping that’s a positive thing especially given my age. but still confused! How can it change in a matter of days? I feel like the breast clinic are going to think I’m wasting their time.

I struggle with depression and panic disorder since the birth of my son, I have two kids, a daughter aged 6 and a son aged 1, so it’s still very worrying but by more relaxed I mean I’m not having panic attacks now about it.

  • I'm glad to hear you now have an appointment for the breast clinic 27mumof2.

    As you say, it's nice knowing when you will be seen but it can still be an anxious time in the run up to the appointment, especially when you feel your symptoms have changed.

    If you can, try not to keep touching or feeling for the lump as this will add to your fear and worries, and please be assured you won't be wasting their time. If anything, they will be more than happy to check everything is o.k and give you that much needed peace of mind.

    Hopefully some of our members will share their experiences and advice with you soon but if you'd like to discuss any of this with our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're thinking of you 27mumof2 and will have our fingers crossed everything will be o.k.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph, thanks for your reply, after going to the breast clinic today and having an ultrasound I’ve been given the all clear, the consultant said that all the breast tissue looked completely normal and what’s happening is my rib is pushing some of the breast tissue up causing what seems like a lump. He said I’d probably have had this slight deformity in my ribs since puberty but after having children it’s just become more prominent. So a huge sigh of relief xxx

  • That's great news 27mumof2, and must be a huge weight off your mind.

    I hope you're able to relax now and if you have any left over Easter eggs, treat yourself to some chocolately goodness.

    If you do have any further questions about what happened at your appointment then do give our nurses a call on the number I gave you in my previous post.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator