Swollen lymph nodes told it’s normal because I am skinny

Hello all I am new here. 
I have been struggling with my physical health for 3 years. 
long story short.. I have lymph nodes that I am more able to feel on one side of my neck and one on the other side on my jaw just below my ear they have been swollen for years now but not really grown any bigger. I went to the doctors for it which they were concerned and they sent me for a scan which the ultrasound people said “they’re normal you just have a skinny neck so are able to feel them” I have been around the same weight since I was 12 years old and haven’t normally been able to feel my lymph nodes because I am skinny! I am 22 now I’ve only been able to feel them for the past 3 years. along side that I am suffering with severe fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating and itchiness on my back, legs and breasts and many more symptoms too many to list! 
I have had blood tests which all came back clear, chest xray, ecg’s which all came back normal. I had a lung function test which confirmed I was having trouble with getting a full breath out which they tried to blame on asthma and gave me a blue and brown inhaler which didn’t work so I know it’s not asthma and they’ve confirmed it’s not asthma.
 Basically what I’m asking is.. is it normal to feel my lymph nodes for years and has anyone got any advice? 
Thankyou for reading