Unbearable unsuccessful smear

Hi I’m a 56 year old lady & today went for my smear test it was unable to be done as I was in so much pain I nearly cried the nurse tried unsuccessfully 3 times & in the end gave up & told mr I needed to see my gp, I came out of my surgery in tears the pain was unbearable, since going through the menopause i am extremely saw & dry, is there any other option to get my cervix checked because I really don’t think I can go through this again & I don’t want to put myself at risk

  • Welcome to the forum Sylvo although I'm so sorry to hear what happened when you went for your cervical screening.

    I have found this article on Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust which suggests various ways of making a cervical screening more comfortable, including asking your nurse or GP to give (prescribe) you a vaginal oestrogen cream or pessary if you have been through the menopause but for further information and advice it may be worth giving their specialist nurses a call on 0808 802 8000.  

    I'm sure some of our members who have had a similar experience to yourself will share their thoughts and advice with you soon as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Ask if they have a smaller speculum and ask for extra lubrication. My test was also very painful and I was in tears. The nurse did say to me that it's easier if you have penetrative sex, which I don't, but I can see why it may be.