Waiting on yearly mammogram results / long term observation

I posted about a year ago regarding my 5 cm fibroadenoma which was found to have lobular carcinoma in situ in it. The breast clinic has been brilliant since being diagnosed with this uncommon breast change.it was a suprise as apparently only about 10 people in 100,000 have this and it's even rarer to be found in a fibroadenoma. ( This is according to Dr Google so I could be wrong!)I have all sorts going on in my breasts and although no longer considered stage zero cancer having abnormal cells in my breasts feels like a big unknown. I have given up trying to understand all the benign breast changes as it's tiring trying to get my head around it all and I am relying on the experts to catch anything nasty early..What I am finding difficult however like anyone here is waiting on results. I just had another mammogram and was told 10 days for results but it's longer than that . I am presuming no news is good news . I am posting also because I am slightly confused regarding my face to face clinic appointment in march although this was arranged just under a year ago. It doesn't mention any tests just appointment. I was wondering if I still need to go to that ?!. Thankfully my MRI last year just showed benign stuff and lots of micro cysts etc. I was wondering if anyone here is in a similar situation to me, feeling like being in no mans land, sort of have a really high risk of breast cancer/ LCIS that needs observation but no treatment as such. I am grateful to the breast clinic for being so wonderful however on some days I feel like the emotional rollercoaster is something that is harder to treat.Thanks for listening and fingers crossed for everyone that are waiting for results.

Best wishes guinea pig lover.xx

  • Hello Guineapiglover

    As you've mentioned in your post, many people find waiting for results to be a particularly difficult time. The prospect of bad news causes worry and anxiety and as you've described it can be a real rollercoaster of emotions. 

    Hopefully, you will have some news about your mammogram results soon but I'd really encourage you to keep the appointment at the breast clinic. Explain your concerns to the team and hopefully, they will be able to give you some reassurance to help you move forward in a more positive way. In the meantime, please try and avoid Dr Google. We know that most people who turn to the internet for answers end up feeling more worried than before so this may well be feeding into the emotions you're dealing with. 

    You might also want to talk with your GP about how you're feeling. It may be that they can signpost you to some support options available in your area to help as well. 

    I hope that you have some positive news soon. Do keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Dear Jenn,

         I just found my old post from a year ago. It's now the waiting game again, I had my latest mammogram on 17 th December 2024 . It's now a month later, but results might be delayed by the Christmas holidays etc. I was relieved to read that I had a relatively long time waiting last time which turned out ok.However It doesn't become easier especially that a lump appeared near my nipple a month before my mammogram.Thankfully the small lump seems less noticeable now.I am beginning to think my extremely dense breasts make it a slightly slower process of reading the mammograms.  Many thanks for your advice, it's great having somewhere where we can share and help each other.

    Best wishes 

          Guinea pig lover.

  • Dear Guineapiglover,

    Welcome back.

    I am glad to hear that all is still going well for you, even if you are back to this awful stage of waiting for results again. There have been some delays in getting results due to the festive period, but over a month is quite a long time to wait. If you don't hear anything soon, why not phone up your consultant's secretary? She should be able to tell you whether or not the results are back. Once they are returned to the hospital, all results still have to be discussed, at one of the regular multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTs). This is where all those who are involved in your care, meet to discuss the findings and decide whether to keep monitoring you, or whether or not any further action is needed.

    I sincerely hope that you hear soon and that it will be good news.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Dear Jolamine, and anyone else reading this.....

    I have had an update for my long awaited yearly  mammogram results from Dec 17 th. I kept waiting for the post, to no avail as I was originally told they would be sent within 2 weeks. Well it's nearly Feb so I decided to ring the breast clinic. I was then told I would receive my results at my next consultation which is 7 th March. and it couldn't be discussed over the phone. Unfortunately I changed it to a phone call appointment before I realised the results letter would be coming after the consultation,I suppose that's ok. Then today I received my phone call consultation letter and it says a member of the breast team will discuss treatment and answer any queries you have. I am rather confused on what this means. Have they potentially found an area that needs further investigation?

    I am obviously not in the emergency category or you are ok category but I could perhaps say I am somewhere in-between.

    I suppose writing this has helped me get things off my chest, however how on earth do new patients cope with these sorts of things?

    Best wishes, 

    Guinea pig lover.x



  • Dear Guinea pig lover,

    I am glad to hear that you phoned the breast clinic, but sorry to hear that the appointment letter for 7th March, seems to have raised more concerns. It sounds as if this is just a standard letter to cover all bases, so don't try to read too much into it. Waiting for results is always a stressful time and you seem to have quite a long wait for them. I sincerely hope that all will be ok at the end of the day.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx