I posted about a year ago regarding my 5 cm fibroadenoma which was found to have lobular carcinoma in situ in it. The breast clinic has been brilliant since being diagnosed with this uncommon breast change.it was a suprise as apparently only about 10 people in 100,000 have this and it's even rarer to be found in a fibroadenoma. ( This is according to Dr Google so I could be wrong!)I have all sorts going on in my breasts and although no longer considered stage zero cancer having abnormal cells in my breasts feels like a big unknown. I have given up trying to understand all the benign breast changes as it's tiring trying to get my head around it all and I am relying on the experts to catch anything nasty early..What I am finding difficult however like anyone here is waiting on results. I just had another mammogram and was told 10 days for results but it's longer than that . I am presuming no news is good news . I am posting also because I am slightly confused regarding my face to face clinic appointment in march although this was arranged just under a year ago. It doesn't mention any tests just appointment. I was wondering if I still need to go to that ?!. Thankfully my MRI last year just showed benign stuff and lots of micro cysts etc. I was wondering if anyone here is in a similar situation to me, feeling like being in no mans land, sort of have a really high risk of breast cancer/ LCIS that needs observation but no treatment as such. I am grateful to the breast clinic for being so wonderful however on some days I feel like the emotional rollercoaster is something that is harder to treat.Thanks for listening and fingers crossed for everyone that are waiting for results.
Best wishes guinea pig lover.xx