Awaiting results


Just stumbled across this forum (thank goodness). I've had a lump in my left breast for ages. I noticed it early last year, if not before but chose to bury my head I the sand, for whatever reason. 

On 2nd Jan I decided to go to the drs, who then referred me to the breast clinic the same day. I was impressed that they rang me the following day and booked me in for tests on the 8th Jan. 

I went to the appointment, had a mammogram and ultrasound to be told yes there is a lump, it looks benign but they did a core biopsy aswell and inserted a 'marker' into it.

Now I'm waiting....upto 3 weeks they said.

This is the most stressful thing I have ever gone through. My husband came with me to the appointment but I haven't told any other family members. The thought of worrying them unnecessarily upsets me. I have a 15 year old daughter who would be absolutely mortified, a 7 year old who probably wouldn't get it (that's probably a good thing). I can't talk to my husband properly as he gets upset aswell and I seem to be the 'rock'of the family.

Now my brain is going haywire... thinking... all of the 'what ifs' that come with it to do with work, bills, telling people. The list and thoughts go on. 

I'm 46 (47 next month) and just waiting..... its so hard to stay strong and focused and I haven't even had results yet.

Just wanted to come here and connect with others who maybe going through the same thing.

  • I have mri on Tuesday. Also seeing the consultant on Thursday,  as she took skin biopsy. She took it because I was worried about a red patch on breast and was panicking that it could be inflammatory breast cancer. She said doing biopsy would stop me stressing about it. Also hope to find out if I'm HER2 positive or negative. Then just have to wait for appointment for ct scan. This one worries me as it checks to see if cancer has spread. Hope you're doing OK. Xx

  • Offline in reply to LASG

    I'm a 1977 baby too  I've got two older children like you (29 and 25, plus a grand child) and then my 15 and 7 year olds too...bit of a gap (and change in relationship haha).

    Gosh, hope you're feeling OK. When are your scans? 

    I had a letter from the hospital today, me and the hubby have never read anything so fast but it was only a summary of the appointment I went to on the 8th.. I'm hoping results won't be far behind now.

    I've had ups and downs...its such an awful time. Xxx

  • Fingers crossed for you. Xx

  • Really hope you get your results very soon, the waiting is the worst bit. Have mri on Tuesday and seeing consultant again on Thursday. Hope to have skin biopsy results and find out if I'm HER2 positive or negative. If positive I'll need chemo before the surgery. I'm also going to dicuss whether I can opt for the mastectomy rather than lumpectomy. I have lumps in two areas and feel this would be better option, have to see what they say though. Just waiting to see when ct scan is, this is the one that worries me. I'm hoping treatment will be started by February, just want to get on with it. The sooner it starts, the sooner it finishes. Thinking of you and hope you get some answers soon. Xx

  • Offline in reply to MJT1977

    I have four girls, 29, 26, 25 and 17, no hubby, one grandbaby and another due next month. They are all taking it pretty well in my opinion.  

    My scans are on Tuesday and on Wednesday I will see the consultant, so I will get all the info next week.

    I have redone my will last week just in case as I had an old one and needed to be done anyways, and I have been prepping my headspace for the worst…this has been my copping mechanism, prep for the worst and be ready, if not then it will a welcomed result. I need to be in control of something! lol 

    Yes the letters keep coming filled with information that I already know too. 

    I’m sure that you are jumping at any letter that appears at your doorstep. You must be so nervous. Fingers crossed that comes soon!

    We can’t fight the unknown. Must be so difficult to keep it all in until your results come through.

    I have told work, family and everyone I could think of even though no results are yet available. I just felt life is too short and work would need to let me take personal calls and appointments etc, so I feel that I can have a long face somedays without the guilt.  

    Hope you and family have a great Sunday!!  

  • Offline in reply to LASG

    Maybe I should tell people at work, might explain the snappiness. 

    Hope you're head is doing OK? Not long to wait now. Will you keep in touch and let me know how you get on xx

  • Offline in reply to MJT1977

    Snappiness :)). Yes we are a little worried about what’s going on so it will definitely show to those around us but we have a good valid reason I think.

    I’m doing ok but nervous, my tummy is in knots thinking of the what ifs, will soon be known.

    How are you coping with your thoughts?

    I will keep in touch and let you know what my news will be :).

    Speak soon. 

  • Hello, I'm 39, found a lump in my right breast just before new year, was referred to breast clinic and had my appointment on the 10th Jan. They said the lump was probably just a cyst but would do an ultrasound on the right breast anyway.  At the ultrasound I was then told because I am nearly 40 I'd have a mammogram too. The mammogram picked up something in my left breast and then it was all systems go, I was back having an ultrasound guided core biopsy where they too put a marker clip in, they didn't say anything other than it'd take up to 3 weeks to get my results, it feels like it was months ago but in reality it's only 2 weeks tomorrow since I had it done. I haven't told anybody either, I am on my own with my 3 children and my family all live hours away. The waiting is horrendous, I've  had some very bad days where my mind goes crazy. I've come on this forum to talk to other people who understand what it's like. Really hope you get your results soon and that it is good news for you x

  • hi Sammy,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in this unenviable position too. This is always a scary wait, when we don't know anything and have all sorts of dark thoughts circulating around. Fortunately, irrespective of the outcome, it feels much better once you know what you are dealing with. It is good to hear that you don't have much longer to wait for your results, as the waiting time does seem to take forever.

    Unfortunately, it is normal to feel like you do . We suffer all sorts of emotions at this stage and often cry a lot. Don't worry if you do cry, as shedding those tears is a great way to reduce the stress. Not all lumps turn out to be cancerous. Many turn out to be benign cysts, fibroadenoma, or due to hormonal changes. It is a fact that only 20% of those who attend the breast clinic will get a cancer diagnosis.

    Most people don't tell family and friends until they get a diagnosis, but it is difficult to keep it to yourself without having someone that you can talk to. Do you have a family member or close friend, who you could confide in? 

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer. That was 14 years ago and I still lead a busy life. Don't worry about  having the marker clip in. This is done routinely, just in case they need to find the lump later, but it doesn't necessarily meant that you've got cancer.

    I sincerely hope that all turns out well for you.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx