Awaiting results


Just stumbled across this forum (thank goodness). I've had a lump in my left breast for ages. I noticed it early last year, if not before but chose to bury my head I the sand, for whatever reason. 

On 2nd Jan I decided to go to the drs, who then referred me to the breast clinic the same day. I was impressed that they rang me the following day and booked me in for tests on the 8th Jan. 

I went to the appointment, had a mammogram and ultrasound to be told yes there is a lump, it looks benign but they did a core biopsy aswell and inserted a 'marker' into it.

Now I'm waiting....upto 3 weeks they said.

This is the most stressful thing I have ever gone through. My husband came with me to the appointment but I haven't told any other family members. The thought of worrying them unnecessarily upsets me. I have a 15 year old daughter who would be absolutely mortified, a 7 year old who probably wouldn't get it (that's probably a good thing). I can't talk to my husband properly as he gets upset aswell and I seem to be the 'rock'of the family.

Now my brain is going haywire... thinking... all of the 'what ifs' that come with it to do with work, bills, telling people. The list and thoughts go on. 

I'm 46 (47 next month) and just waiting..... its so hard to stay strong and focused and I haven't even had results yet.

Just wanted to come here and connect with others who maybe going through the same thing.

  • Oh gosh. I've no idea what any of that means. It sounds like you've got a great team around you so that's reassuring. All I know is that treatment now is so much better than what it used to be. I'm finding when I open up to people about where I'm upto with it all the majority have had a very similar experience, or been through treatment. 

    Sending lots of healing love your way xx

  • Thank you, Dr was amazing. Really hope that you don't have to wait too much longer and you get better results than me. Let us know how it goes. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    Both of these are very treatable. It's a pity that it's in one lymph node, but good that it's not been found in any more.  I have had a lumpectomy, followed by a double mastectomy the following year. This was for a second cancer, but I'm still here 14 years on and leading a busy life. It takes a while for a cancer diagnosis to sink in,  You will possibly experience all sorts of emotions over the next few weeks. Just go with the flow, as this is all normal behaviour. You might also find it helpful to talk with your breast care nurse about telling your children, as she may have some tips.

    I'm always here if you want to talk.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks Jolamine for all your good advice it has been so helpful. I'm 61 and children all grown up, also have two gorgeous grandchildren. Have already discussed my diagnosis with all of the kids and my elderly parents. Kept the chats ubeat and positive so they didn't get worried or scared. I'm also very lucky to have a husband with a very positive attitude, which helps so much as I'm such a worrier. I'm sure waiting for results of ct scan will be a bit stressful, as this is what will show if it has spread or not. Dr did say with the type of cancer I have she expected to see it in the first lymph node, but she will remove all from underarm during surgery. I'm a bit worried about it spreading to other lymph nodes while waiting for treatment, but the dr said nothing will change that quickly.Going to chat with Dr again next week about the surgery. My sister in law had a lumpectomy first, then had to have a mastectomy afterwards. I'm thinking I'd rather go straight for mastectomy, rather than go through two surgeries. She did say they would do reconstruction at the same time. Not sure if they will take my preference into consideration, or if they just decide. Will definitely take your advise about writing down all my questions and getting hubby to write down the answers. Thanks again for your support. Xx

  • How are you feeling today?

  • I know it's really hard, the waiting is the worse bit. Hopefully won't be much longer and it will be good news. Keep us updated of any news. Xx

  • I'm feeling OK at the moment and trying to keep busy. Think waiting for results of ct scan will be a bit challenging, but I need to try and stay positive that it will all be ok and I can beat this.

  • Hi Pippin. How r u today? Did they say how long it would be until your next appointment? Xx

  • Hi, had a lovely dinner out with hubby last night. Unfortunately didn't have a very good night's sleep. After biopsies I had been taking Nytol to help me sleep. Decided I couldn't take it long term and as I was feeling OK, decided not to take it last night. I lay awake feeling a bit lonely and scared to be honest. Mind goes into overdrive when it's dark and quiet. Feeling better this morning after shower and hair wash. Have visitors this afternoon and this evening, so that will keep me distracted.  How are you feeling today?

  • MJT1977 Oh my goodness I feel very much like you. I’m glad that we are not alone even though this waiting game and uncertainty is excruciating. Like you I have been looking for support online.

    I hope that you get some results soon and that  all be well, as much as possible, I have my fingers crossed for both of us. 

    I understand the  being the rock and having the feeling of loneliness  in all of this. I’m feeling very similar to you. The worry and the if’s and the maybes.
    Feels to me easier to talk to someone who’s going through something similar. 

     I found a mass on my tummy on a Thursday about two weeks ago, thought it over until the following Monday, when I decided to call the gp for an emergency appointment.

    I have scans next week and the next day I will see the consultant.
    I’m also 46, born in 1977. My mind is going crazy with worry and my children are much older than yours, so I can only imagine the thoughts that your mind is going through. It’s a hard time and I can only wish and hope that we will all be ok. 

    Best wishes xx