19 year old female, sick with worry about recent breast cancer scan referral

The past week I’ve been experiencing increasing pain in my left breast just below my nipple, it’s tender and sore to touch but no changes outwardly apart from breast getting a little bigger.

I went to the GL about this and she found a lump and decided to refer me for a breast scan, due to a family history of breast cancer. I’m terrified it’s going to be cancer but she tried to reassure me the scan is only happening as a just in case, as she’s almost certain it’s a abscess or cyst (I’ve also been given antibiotics!) 

How long is the wait time for a scan like this? because I’m driving myself mad with the possibilities of it being life threatening, and is the scan itself easy to do? thank you

  • I'm going through the same found a lump Friday went to the gp Monday she said it feels like an inflamed milk duct due to my hormones coz I came on my period Friday as well she refered me anyway as I suffer with bad health anxiety I woke up this morning and it seems to of shrunk so I'm going back to my gp tomorrow for her to have another feel. Did the gp say whether it was a smooth lump x

  • From what I can remember she didn’t mention it being soft or hard, though she mentioned how it being painful was a good sign. feeling myself I’d say it’s hard but not rock solid, definitely an in between x 

    also I feel you! I’ve been going mad unable to sleep or do much at all with how bad health anxiety is, luckily I’ve been given an appointment in a weeks time but that + waiting for the results from it that’s 3 weeks wait til I find out if I’ll be okay ️:(

    thankful that your lump has gone down too !! hope the gp visit went well x

  • HI Shddbri,

    A  very warm  welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in this unenviable position. It is always a  worrying time while you are waiting to be seen and then waiting for the results of any tests. You should get your appointment date through within 2 weeks from the date of referral. In most cases you will receive your scan on the same day that you first attend. This will usually be an ultrasound scan - the same scan that we get during pregnancy. This is totally painless. Depending upon your age, they may also carry out a mammogram - this is not normally carried out in younger people, as their breasts are denser than those of older people and do not show up well with on a mammogram. If a lump is detected, you may also have a biopsy. While the mammogram and ultrasound can detect any lumps or irregularities within the breast, only a biopsy can determine whether a lump is cancerous or not. You will usually have to wait a further 1-2 weeks to get your results, although this can take a little longer in busy clinics.

    Not all breast lumps are cancerous. Many turn out to be benign cysts, Fibroadenoma or due to hormonal changes. It is a fact that only 20% of those who attend the breast clinic will get a cancer diagnosis. Even if the worst comes to the worst, treatment for breast cancer is "doable" and outcomes are greatly improved on what they used to be. I have had 2 bouts myself, 14 years ago and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life.

    Try to occupy yourself, either with work or a hobby in the meantime, as keeping busy helps the time to pass.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Kris,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. 

    I am glad to hear that you acted quickly in consulting your GP and also to learn that your lump seems to have shrunk - what did your GP say about this when you saw her again? Please see my reply to Shddbri, as this will also pertain to you. Did your GP say that your lump felt smooth? This is usually a good sign. The harder, ragged-edged lumps are usually the more sinister ones.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi  I went back and it was a different doctor as the one I went to before was off sick but he basacly said the same he said it just feels like normal breast tissue they said mine is smooth with no riged edges hope your okxx

  • Something we took away from our time during my wife's treatment and post treatment was the fact pain is actually a very good sign. Unless the cancer is pressing on a nerve, which will give of nerve type pain, BC almost always tends to be painless.

    My wife found a second lump once all her treatment finished last Christmas, and they were about to get her in for a pre Christmas scan, but because she was saying it was sore, the surgeon decided it was almost certainly not cancer, so it was left until the new year. It turned out to be an oil cyst from her radiotherapy, so yeah, pain is a good thing believe it or not.

  • Hi Jolamine !!

    Thank you so much for your advice, I will try to keep busy with college work and hobbies! it’s always the waiting part due to the uncertainty that gets you. The what if is haunting. I’ve been on antibiotics for 3 days now and I think there’s improvement, it’s not as painful as before though I can still feel the lump

    I’ve been given my appointment date now too thankfully, only a weeks wait so distraction and finishing my antibiotics is top of the list :]


    Sophie x

  • I’m so sorry for your wife I hope she’s doing better now !! that’s comforting to know thank you xx my nan had breast cancer as well and she also mentioned how there was zero pain, mostly just changes to her skin 

    I’ve got my appointment date now for in a weeks time so mostly focusing on distraction now to make the time move faster

    thank you again, telling me that has made me a little less scared 

  • Hi Kris,

    I am glad to hear that the second doctor didn't find anything untoward either. Do you feel any happier to have this confirmed and are you still going to keep your breast clinic appointment? As ProfBaw said, pain seldom accompanies a cancer diagnosis.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Sophie,

    Our overactive imaginations tend to run away with us while we are waiting and often lead us to all sorts of dark places. Try to remind yourself that no amount of worry will change the outcome. It is certainly less likely to be cancer at your age, although sadly, not impossible. I am glad to hear that the antibiotics seem to be kicking in and that the pain is lessening.  It's also good to hear that your appointment has come through and that it's not too far away.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx