Necrotic lymph node


I recently had an ultrasound on a lump on the left side of my neck. I had been mentioning it to different docs for over a year, and was always told it was just a swollen gland. However, over time it has become more painful, I am aware of it all the time. So when I spoke to the my doc this time he actually had a good feel and sent me for the scan. 
when I phoned for the results the last on the phone said it was a necrotic lymph node. The doctor actually called me back ten minutes later to say I needed another scan and that they needed to rule out cancer! 
I have my next ultrasound the day after tomorrow, my hubby is coming with, because, to be honest, I’m petrified! 
I know I shouldn’t worry until tests are done, but that’s easier said than done. I’m frightened x

  • Hello Bextrow, 

    I just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your ultrasound - or you may actually have had it today and I hope it all went well? It's good that your hubby was able to come with you and give you support and reassurance. It's normal in a situation like this to be worried but try not to anticipate the worst if you can - they mentioned they were doing this scan to rule out cancer which may sound a bit frightening but it also means that cancer is the least likely possibility and the scan is a useful tool to identify exactly what is going on. 

    I hope that by now you will have a little more clarity and that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator