Lost My Orgasm to LLETZ

I don't really know how to write this, or who I am writing it for, but today I think I have somewhat started to accept that I think I sm unfortionaly the rare case of someone who has lost their orgasm to LLETZ. I had my procedure for CIN3 and CGIN 16 weeks ago and despite following all the guidelines I can not orgasm in the same way. I can get the just before, and I know it has happened after. But It's like there is a glitch and the real crescendo is gone. I've tried a lone, we've tried together. With toys, without.With penetration, without. I've been having such intense sex dreams they could be called wet dreams. But nothing hits. Nothing. I feel so broken and alone. So so so deeply sad. I didn't know this was a possibility not really. But i know even if I did I'd have gone through with it. I don't blame the lovely medical staff who helped me through that awful day. But I grieve. I'm only 32 and can't reckon with the fact that I will never orgasm the same again. Is there anything I can do. Is there anyone who has gotten better, gotten through this? 

  • Welcome to the forum ShamWiseGamGee although I'm really sorry to hear about your situation.

    It must be very difficult and upsetting to be going through this, so if you haven't done so already, please reach out to your GP and/or nurse as they will be able to offer you further support and advice based on your individual circumstance. 

    If any of our members have been through this, I'm sure they will stop by when they can to share their experiences and advice, but it may also be worth heading over to Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, as they have an online forum, just like ours, where you may find others who are going through this as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator