Hi everyone,
I am new here and terrified. I was referred to the breast clinic 2 weeks ago (I have an appointment on Wednesday afternoon).
My nipple on my left breast, sometimes looks slightly more inwards compared to the right. It will retract by itself and I can retract it if needed (the GP said that was a good sign because if there was anything sinister, you wouldn’t be able to coax the nipple out). I have also been having some breast pain in the same breast, mainly on the upper and lower outer quadrant with some pain going into my armpit and my shoulder. The pain isn’t as bad as it was but I think my left breast feels abit heavier and fuller than my right.
My left breast does appear to be abit more lumpier than my right breast and I am not sure if it feels ever so slightly firmer than my left. Or if I am just over panicking myself.
I did the worst thing and went to google and self diagnosed myself and now I cannot stop. I’m terrified this heaviness / fullness feeling is something bad.
I am 30 years old, I have no family history of BC. I do have dense breasts apparently according to the breast team when I saw them a few months back for a lump in my right armpit, which I was given the all clear. I am trying for a baby and my menstrual cycle is due anytime now.
Has anyone had anything similar?
sending everyone so much love x