Elongated breast lump


I am 39 years old i have been to the breast clinic before for a small lump and all was fine this was back in 2019. I was told i do have dense breast tissue which when i looked this up it does say you are higher risk of breast cancer. 

Last month i noticed a lump that was quite long the lump its self doesn't hurt but the area is very achy tender and could say a little like burning sensation. My GP referred me last week and the clinic rang me today with an appointment for the 5th of December. I am really worried because this doesn't feel like other times i have had a lump and it may be because I'm older and i have kids it scares me. It first started off with breast pain which i put down to my period been due but the ache/pain just didn't go and then i found the lump.  

  • Hello sarah2016, 

    I've just replied to a lady  who is in a similar situation to you feeling rather worried after having been referred to the breast clinic. You may not be having exactly the same issue and may have therefore been referred to the breast clinic for different reasons but you will understand each other and the stress and anxiety that comes with discovering something a bit unusual and waiting to be seen by the breast clinic. You can read her thread here and feel free to respond to it if you wish to do so and as you've been to the breast clinic before your experience may also be worth sharing. It's good that your GP is looking into this especially as you are experiencing this burning sensation and are in pain so it would be good to get it looked at and sorted. It won't be long now until the 5th of December but the days waiting for your appointment can be such an anxious time as so many of our members will have experienced before. It's best in a situation like this to stay well away from the temptation to look things up on Google as this will only make you feel worse and won't provide any answers. There are so many other reasons than cancer that could explain your current symptoms and you will be in the best possible hands at the breast clinic. It won't be long now until you know for sure what this might be.  There are helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I hope that everything goes well when you have your appointment and that it all turns out to be fine. You will be in the best possible hands to get this issue sorted especially as it sounds rather painful. I will now let other members of our community who may either be waiting for a breast clinic referral and will be experiencing similar anxiety or who have been in a similar position in the past come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator