Hole in Breast tissue, waiting for referral to breast clinic. So worried!

Hey, hoping to find anyone who has experienced the same as me and could lend some advice or reassurance. I have recently been on holiday so have been dressing in different light where I noticed a line imprint across my right breast along the top, upon investigation I have felt what feels like a hole in my breast tissue. I have now returned to the UK and been to see my GP who has referred me to the breast clinic, I am now waiting for them to contact me for an appointment. Has anyone else had anything similar? I am going out my mind with worry! x

  • Hello Ellsbells93, 

    You did well to go and see your GP as soon as you got back to the UK when you noticed this line imprint across your right breast along the top. That is the right thing to do when we notice unusual changes. It's good that your doctor was thorough and referred you to the breast clinic. I hope that you will get your appointment soon and that you get some reassurance. Try not to worry too much though or anticipate what it might be as so many people are referred to the breast clinic but there are so many other conditions too that could explain your symptoms so it's best not to anticipate the worst and often least likely scenario. Our website has information on being referred to the breast clinic and Breast Cancer Now have produced a detailed booklet on what to expect from your breast clinic appointment which I hope will be useful to you. 

    So many members of our community have been referred to the breast clinic in the past for similar reasons and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. I am keeping everything crossed for you that your appointment goes well and that it turns out to be nothing of concern.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Ells 

    I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I am also waiting for my appointment they rang and gave me one over the phone for the 5th of December which seems so very far away. I have a a lump but it is long, the lump its self doesn't hurt but the area does it aches feels tingly. 

    Just wanted you to know your not alone and we can do this wait out together if you would like. I am trying to be so positive but some days are so hard.

  • Hi   so sorry for my delayed response I didn’t see this in my emails. How are you feeling? My appointment is on the 11th so still a little wait yet! Some days are better than others xx

  • Hi, I hope you are doing well. I called the breast clinic to see if there was any cancelations and luckily they were. I got the all clear they said with was a rise in my dense breast tissue just in that area which made it fell like i had two lumps. I am wishing you all the best for a positive outcome. Please keep me updated. xx

  • That’s great  so pleased for you! Thank you xx