Positive FIT, unexplained weight loss, Iron deficiency anemia, stomach cramps

Hi everyone,

My partner has the above symptoms and had originally been referred for 2ww upper GI endoscopy but has since also been referred for 2ww Lower GI for colonoscopy.  Was fit and healthy prior to 'stomach aches' after eating starting in Sept.  Noticed weight loss of around a stone without trying and since then positive FIT at 35 and the iron deficiency anemia.  Due endoscopy tomorrow and then waiting to hear about the lower GI for colonoscopy.  He's very upbeat and positive and I'm worried...a lot. Nobody in his family have ever had a history of bowel cancer but I'm so worried this is what he will have.  He's only retired a month ago.  

  • Hi its good that he's getting these tests done it will put your minds to rest ,I see the symptoms and it is worrying but its still much more likely to be something less serious than C ,a fit test of 35 is quite low considering it can go up to the very high hundreds ,I hope all goes well during these tests .

  • Hi, Just to update.  It is colon cancer, right side and unfortunately diagnosed as Stage 4A! Staging is T4 N3 M1 as there is a lesion in the liver! Devastated is an understatement and also very scared now.  The colon tumour is very large and just waiting to hear what the next step is to try and get it out!  This is in someone who has never been ill apart from the occasional man flu.      

  • Hi I'm obviously very sorry to hear of his diagnosis ,I can understand your devastation hopefully you won't have to wait too long to know what treatments are available for him including surgery ,people usually say once they get the treatment plan they feel much better I sincerely hope this is the case for you ,Its amazing what they can do these days treatments seem to have improved in the last few years ,so Best Wishes to you both I hope all goes well ,let us know how he gets on x

  • Hi I’m just wondering how your husband has been since his diagnosis. Your story sounds exactly the same as my husband who is currently waiting for staging and a plan. TIA