Breast burning/tingling

Hi. I did want to upload a picture so you could see. 
But in my left breast i am feeling a burning/tingling feeling, it also feels like areola (i think thats what its called) has gone lighter and is really sensitive to the other (keeps going hard) and seems to be a little flatter than the other one, also the burning feeling feels like its in my armpit now also! 

i have a referal made but this 2 week wait is scaring the life out of me, my anxiety is at its max to the point i cant eat  :(

ive had loads of bloods done and all come back ok, but i no bloods doesnt pick up cancer. I had an inflammatory blood test which came back as normal.

i am so so scared.

  • Hi, I have exactly this. 

    I woke up to a burning in my left breast about a month ago and it hasn’t gone away since. I was examined by my GP who couldn’t feel anything, but I’m only 20 so feel I was dismissed quite quickly as she said it’s so unlikely for anyone my age to have something sinister, but I just know something isn’t right. She seemed to think it was something to do with the nerves in my neck! 

    let us know how you get on, and I hope it’s nothing serious for you!! 

  • Hi N92,

    Avery warm welcome to our forum.

    This is always a scary wait, but you have done the right thing by getting it investigated. Try to keep yourself occupied while you wait, whether with work or pastimes. Also avoid google. Much of the information there is aimed at the more sensational cases, won't apply to you, won't give you any answers, but will frighten you even further. I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi AWin179,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear about your symptoms and the fact that you didn't feel happy with your visit to your GP's examination. She is right, that it would be unusual for someone of your age to have cancer, but sadly not impossible. If you still feel that something is amiss, you are entitled to seek a second opinion - would it be possible for you to consult with another doctor in your practice? I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found.

    Please keep in touch and let us know what you decide. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    Thank you so much. After having a read of some posts etc on here, I think unfortunately my best bet will be to possibly go with a private consultation rather than back to my GP. I think due to my age I am unlikely to be referred/taken seriously unless a lump is found, the affected breast is now looking significantly bigger than the other so there is definitely something not quite right there. No lump was found at my GP examination, but I’m just worried possibly something was missed. Il be completely honest and say I don’t have great faith in our doctors surgery due to a previous misdiagnosis when I was younger but thought they would be the best place to start. 

    although I know that is unlikely to be anything sinister, I can’t help but worry especially as the pain/burning isn’t going away. Added in with the swelling and change in size, I am now worrying more than before! 

    thank you for reply, I appreciate it :) 


  • Hi,

    It sounds as if the private doctor might be your best bet. I am not a doctor, but wonder if you might have an infection of some type, when you talk about a burning type pain and swelling in your breast? We nearly all have one breast that is bigger than the other and pain is not usually associated with a cancer diagnosis. I have had 2 bouts and both were painless.

    You know your own body better than anyone else, so don't hesitate to get another opinion , when you don't feel reassured.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank u.

    i am so low i wake up every morning like im going to be sick. The worry has knocked me lower than ever, an i cant seem to shift it.

    I cant even eat. Im praying i get seen this week but then im scared what the outcome will be . 
    the burning sensation seems to of eased. But the shape of my areola hasnt changed :(

  • Hi N92,

    No matter how strong a person you are, this is a hard road to travel. Most of us agree that it is one of the hardest parts of our cancer journey. You will normally get your appointment through within 2 weeks from the date of referral. When you get this, you can at least start counting down the days.

    Not all lumps are cancerous. Many turn out to be benign cysts, or due to fibrous or hormonal changes. It is a fact that only 20% of those people referred to the breast clinic, will get a cancer diagnosis, so the odds are still in your favour.

    I am glad to hear that the burning sensation seems to have eased, but it is still worth getting it investigated. I hope that your appointment comes through soon.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I have wondered if it might be some type of infection too. I just can’t stop worrying! I think I will try the GP once more then onto a private doctor if they don’t refer me or give me anything.

    I also apologise as this probably isn’t the correct place for me to be posting since I don’t have a diagnosis! I am just so worried and wasn’t sure where else to post! 


  • Hi,

    It is only natural to worry until you get an answer to these symptoms. From reading other posts on this forum, I have learnt that here is a condition called Costochondritis, which can cause these type of symptoms - maybe something to ask the doctor about? I should stress that I am not diagnosing anything, as I am not a doctor.

    You are in the right place for anyone who is considering the faintest possibility of a cancer diagnosis, even though there is more likely to be a simpler explanation.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • It really is. I rang again today about my apoit and it might not be till the 24/25th november it was sent over on the 6th november. Theres a back log, i cant seem to find any where private either to get me in straight away. 
    I no theres definitely something going on with my left breast, im just so scared i have two young children one with additional needs that is highley dependant on me. :(