Further uncertainty after breast clinic appointment

Hi all. I’ve been looking over this forum for the last 8 months due to a scare in January and have found myself back again. 

I found a lump in 6 weeks ago. Saw GP 2 weeks ago and put on 2ww referral. Saw consultant today who felt ‘abnormality’. Had an ultrasound as I’m just over a week until I’m 40. The doctor found 2 areas of concern and suspicious areas. Was sent for mammogram. Back into ultrasound and then core biopsies. Saw consultant again after that. He said there was 2 areas of concern and they need to have a look under the microscope to see if benign or malignant. After reading lots of posts on here, I was given the impression that if they did suspect cancer then the doctors would say before receiving the results but I asked them, if they thought a patient had cancer would they tell them before the results and I was told no they wouldn’t. He did say we need to get the results and take it from there. 

I couldn’t help but feel his manner had changed from very matter of fact when I first arrived at the clinic to showing empathy at the meeting before I left. Am I reading into things too much?

has anyone had a similar experience and it’s turned out to be malignant and viva versa, also benign? 

I will receive a call on Thursday next week (the day before my 40th birthday) with the results. If it is malignant would it be likely to be in touch with me earlier? 

Sorry for the multiple questions. Heads spinning. 

thanks xx

  • Hi Lofty,

    When I had my ultrasound, mammograms etc, they didn’t give me any indication as to whether they suspected cancer or not. I was just called to make an appointment for the results about ten days later. Having said that, between that phone call and the results, they then booked me in for an MRI, so it was pretty obvious then that it was malignant. 

    I really hope that you have a good outcome from your tests. Wishing you lots of love and luck for whatever lies ahead xx

  • Hi lofty 

    sorry you are here , some consultants give indications others don’t there is no way of 100 percent knowing until results are back , I was told mine looked suspicious and a week later it was confirmed my best friend had BC same time as me but she wasn’t told that anything was suspicious and also had a diagnosis xx good luck and have a great birthday xx 

  • Sorry to hear about your diagnosis   I hope things can be sorted for you and you’re feeling ok. Did you receive a call or letter to book in for MRI and how soon after clinic appointment was this? Lay here wide awake at 4am. Xx

  • Sorry to hear that  Yhankyou. It is definitely the wait that’s hard. Last time round it all felt more positive and they said we’re confident it’s not anything sinister and we’re doing the biopsy to confirm this. This time is different and it didn’t feel that way. They even talked about malignancy and cancer this time. They did say the probability is its benign but as it looks suspicious and there’s a chance of malignancy they need to look at it under the microscope. 
    last time they also said we think it’s a hardened cyst or fibroadenoma, so I said this and they said possibly but let’s get your results and take it from there.

    I know the feeling I have may not mean anything but the way they were treating me was very different from entering the clinic to leaving and during the second ultrasound the doctor changed the picture to infrared. This definitely didn’t happen first time round. Does anyone know what this is for? There was lots of red over the picture. 

    thankyoi xx

  • Hi Lofty,

    All of my appointments have been booked by phone-  the postal system here is so bad at the moment that of they sent a letter it would probably arrive too late for the appointment! 

    i got a call to go for MRI about ten days after my ultrasound and biopsies. At that point I had not had the results, 

    All of the waiting really is the worst thing, as your mind runs riot. I’ve had a lot of trouble sleeping at night, especially since the diagnosis, and so have started listening to a meditation on my phone (on a free app) which has helped. 


  • hi  I’m not suprised you’ve had trouble sleeping since you’ve been diagnosed. It’s so hard not to think and your mind definitely runs riot worse at night as everything is so quiet and you tend to over analyse. I’ve been wide awake since 4pm and was waking prior to that so may try the meditation app. Thanks for the suggestion. 

    I can’t shift the feeling of how much more sympathetic the consultant was after the scans and how he took more time with me. The time before in January was definitely more positive. They said they are confident and just need the biopsy to confirm but this time it was your mind will now play tricks on you but the reality is there are areas of concern and you’ve had biopsies. When the results come back we will know more. 

    anyway just going into work with swollen eyelids and that feeling of if anyone says are you ok I think I might break down but I know it’s for the best. Odds are in my favour right. 

    I honestly can’t believe how kind and brave you girls who have had been diagnosed are. You are all there to give advice and be there for others. Very selfless and inspiring. Thank you xx

  • Hi Lofty,

    I hope you have managed to get through your work day.

    I don’t think I’m particularly brave - I certainly don’t feel it at the moment- but everyone here has been so kind and helpful to me, so I try to be the same wherever I can xx

  • Lofty 

    yes that wait for me was horrendous, probably the worst part of my journey once I knew it was sort of ok let’s get rid of this , I’m now one year on and doing absolutely amazing it wasn’t that bad in all honestly , the only thing was I felt like I was on stop no holidays ect I had my first annual check in July all ckear let’s hope it stays this way xx 

    good luck when do you get results loveky ? 

  • Gooner 

    how are you feeling my lovely you had any dates yet , I’ve missed a few posts as I e been in Spain last week back to the rain in Uk today and catching up properly xx 

  • Hi Lara,

    I’m feeling pretty low to be honest. Mastectomy booked in for next Tuesday, 24th, and I’m acutely aware of every day passing. I feel as though I’m still in a state of shock and disbelief at what has happened in the last month.

    Hoe are you? I hope you had a good time in Spain xx