Ca125 high three months apart + ultrasound clear

Hi I was told in May I had elevated ca125 of 76 and so had an ultrasound which was clear. The doc wanted to repeat ca125 test in September which has just come back as high again at 77. The reason I went for the test was stomach pain - sore to touch. Does anyone know what this could be from similar experience and what happens if levels don’t come down three months apart? Do I just accept this is endometriosis without further investigating? They don’t want to do laparoscopy due to my surgical medical history 

  • Hi Emma

    Lovely to hear from you 

    my first ca125 was done whilst I was on my period which I understand gives a false read for ca125

    I am due on again any day now and had my last test 2 days ago, it has dropped but still high at 44

    my recent uss showed my ovaries were fine and all appeared normal but I am still worried

    i see on here some women have done a stool test and I think I will ask my gp for this too

    I have been ref on the 2ww but as it has now been 2wks will call tomorrow and say I will take a cancellation 

    I understand fibroids can affect your reads and they did find a 2.5cm fibroid on my uss so this could be the cause

    i recently stopped taking tamoxifen which may also have had an impact on my reads

    I really don’t know what to think but I am having some Lower back and lower stomach discomfort with excess gas so this may be something else all together

    The whole thing is so worrying isn’t it ? 

  • Hi Lucy,

    I’ve have a lot of internal gas and have had bowel issues on and off going on for over a year now. It’s very rare I actually feel ‘bloated’ though. I’ve done two FIT and a variety of other samples and they have all come back ok. I’m now on a standard wait for gastroenterology for that.

    l did go to A&E around 3 or 4 weeks ago as I was in agony with pain in my lower back on the left hand side. They did some bloods (not sure what for but were normal) and a CT scan which only showed I was constipated. Thankfully I haven’t had that same pain since :(

    Definitely chase your appointment up. The waiting is horrendous isn’t it. I called yesterday and asked if I could be put on the cancellation list so I’m hoping I may get seen a little sooner if somebody cancels their appointment.

    I read ovulation can also increase the CA125 which is why I asked for a 3rd test in the hope that by my 3rd week of the cycle it would have come back down to normal.

    I hope you manage to get your appointment soon. I was dreading my US and then was really happy when it came back normal until I saw my GP the next day who did the gynaecology referral.

    I guess it’s good they’re being thorough and investigating further though.

    My other worry is we are supposed to be going on holiday abroad later next month and I now have all this hanging over me and worry of what may happen.

    If you look on here though a few people have had similar issues with an elevated CA125 and things have been ok.

    Unfortunately for me I have already been consulting with my worst enemy, Dr. Google.

    Here to chat anytime xx

  • Hi Emma

    its 3am and I’m awake worrying and needing to go to the toilet, it suddenly occurred to me I may have a uti so I will try and get tested for this tomorrow with my gp, this could raise my ca135 as well maybe. I’m clutching at straws and trying to be positive but having already had breast cancer it’s very difficult 

    I too have excess gas and mucous in my stool so maybe a fit test wouldn’t be a bad idea either

    I am going to contact gyne tomorrow and offer to take a cancellation too

    i also consult Dr Google much to the annoyance of my husband but I feel it’s better to be informed rather than not

    All of this started at the end of July when I stopped taking my tamoxifen medication to prevent breast cancer, my good friend was recently diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer and I had a few scares and symptoms that made me feel it was not safe to be on it any longer. I had a polyp removed from my cervix ( non cancerous) suffered with dizzy spells both which are side affects, there is evidence to suggest the tamoxifen whilst reducing chance of reoccurrence of breast cancer can increase the risk of uterine cancers, all of this I discovered and researched on Google! 

    My uss was also clear although the endometrium was not clearly defined but this may be because I was having a period at the time. I think they may want to send me for a CT scan too and although I’m dreading what they may find I also will welcome it if they do

    im hoping that although my ca125 is high still the fact it’s reduced since my last is a positive 

    please let me know how you get on and I’m hoping your appointment comes through soon as I understand the waiting is the worst! 
    lucy xxx

  • Morning  I really hope you managed to get some sleep. I know how you feel as I’ve had my fair share of sleepless nights worrying too, which makes me feel even worse when I am overtired all day.

    Like you, my hubby also gets really annoyed at me for looking at Dr. Google. He doesn’t understand why I always think the worst until I know otherwise because he is the opposite and nothing health wise seems to bother him. I would love to be like that but I just can’t.

    I’ve just phoned again to ask about cancellations and there aren’t at present so I still have to wait until Monday 2nd which is when my appointment has been booked for - I know it’s only just over a week away but it feels like a lifetime waiting with all the worry it’s causing!!!! My name is on their cancellation list already but I will try again on Tuesday, just in case.

    I really hope you manage to get an appointment sorted. Xx

  • Morning Emma

    yes I did get back to sleep but up early this morning and on the phone

    I have a call this afternoon from my referring gp and have left a message with the hospital for a cancellation, I will try and call them again later to speak with someone

    I've been to the toilet this morning and am still having some gas but I think this is possibly all stress related 

    The discomfort in my lower stomach area is bothering me most and my stomach is making some very odd noises but again this could all be stress 

    I hope we both get an appointment soon and can move away from all this as the stress, worry and anxiety just grows with time doesn’t it

    I spent some time last night summarising my last results/appointments so when I see gyne I can give them as much info as possible for them to decide how to proceed

    I have a lovely afternoon planned today with family so hopefully that will take my mind off all this for a bit 

    Try to remain calm and keep busy, I find that helps 

    speak soon 

    Please let me know if you get in sooner, I’m keeping everything crossed for you x 

    Lucy x