2nd referral in 9 months

Hi there. I was referred to the breast clinic in January after finding a lump around the nipple in my right breast. After an ultras sound as I was 39, a thin needle biopsy and then a full biopsy as the lump was hard the results came back as a benign fibroadenoma. 

I noticed another lump just above my nipple on my left breast a month ago. This time I didn’t panic and the. I felt a very small hard lump in the top left of the same breast. I went to the GP just incase and she felt another hard lump and asked if I had been told my breasts were glandular. What does she mean by this? She’s referred me on the urgent referral again. 

whilst I don’t feel as panicked, I have found myself back here feeling a little nervous. Xx

  • Hi, so sorry that you find yourself back here again.

    I wonder if she means that you may have dense breasts?  There’s a 1-4, or A-D I forget,  scale, 1 almost all fatty, 2 some areas of dense fibroglandular breast tissue, 3 moderately dense, many areas of fibroglandular breast tissue, 4 very dense, lots of these areas.

    I’m a 3 or a C so I have more denser/harder areas that show as white on a mammogram. 

    I hope your appointment comes through soon. Never forget that most referrals do not have a cancer diagnosis.

    Hugs xx

  • Thanks  . I went this time with 2 small lumps and the GP said there was a large hard lump too but I can’t feel this. I can feel it’s hard but it doesn’t feel like a lump to me. I’m no doctor though. I didn’t realise they categorised breast density either so thank you xx