2ww appointment today

Hi all again!

So I had my triple assessment session at the breast clinic today following my GP referral for a 5cm mass.

The surgeon didn't find any palpable masses (woo hoo!), the mammogram however picked up some abnormalities and I am booked in for an xray guided core biopsy on Wednesday. 

Its all a bit of a blur but I remember the surgeon saying he wasn't overly concerned at this stage but the abnormalities did need checking as they can go on to become cancerous. I would be added to the MDT list and will get a call with my biopsy results. Im hoping that a telephone call indicates its not likely to be anything super bad. I have my colleague lab staff and pathologist ready to do a covert operation so that it can be kept discreet from my workmates. 

I suppose I'm lucky it's been picked up, I am only 44 so have a way to go before I get routine mammograms. And I guess in a way I'm glad my discomfort has a potential cause. 

I'll be back at work tomorrow, I'm not going to brood about it as at least I know it's not overtly abnormal on exam and mammogram.

Hope everyone is doing OK :)

  • Hi Gooner,

    So sorry I didn't see your other comments on other threads. Hecky thump. Sounds like you've got some good plans made with your health care team and they're being very thorough :)

    Gentle hugs x

  • Don’t be silly- there are so many comments from lots of us on different threads- it’s tricky to keep up.

    Yes- I’ve been thoroughly checked and it’s all happened quickly. I certainly have no complaints, and now I’m talking to people about it am realising how conning it is. I’m confident that I will be fine by Christmas :) xx

  • Just an update on me. Had my phone consultation today and it was good news. My microcalcification on my right boob is benign on biopsy and the MDT peeps were in agreement that i don't need further follow up at this time given the information in my scans and biopsies and exam. There was no sign of abnormality in the biopsy despite the mammogram being a little suspicious.

    It was a scary time, the waiting is horrible, it's hard to think straight and is very easy to drift down a dark path. I am at least aware of what lies ahead now when it comes to my time for routine mammograms in 6 years time. I've had the iffy calcifications and the biopsy, I know what to expect if it happens again and now the drs have images to compare to next time. 

    My leftie painful/burning boob which I was referred for in the first place is suspected to be hormonal and I'm keeping tabs on that. 

    Google is absolutely not your friend folks! Trust your breast team, they are the experts, the 2 week (or more!) wait is horrible but things do move quickly after the initial appointment if you need further investigation.

    Wishing everyone the best of luck in their journeys :)

  • Hi Pampers,

    Many thanks for the update. I'm absolutely delighted to hear that you got good news today and hope that things continue to go well for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx