Hi all again!
So I had my triple assessment session at the breast clinic today following my GP referral for a 5cm mass.
The surgeon didn't find any palpable masses (woo hoo!), the mammogram however picked up some abnormalities and I am booked in for an xray guided core biopsy on Wednesday.
Its all a bit of a blur but I remember the surgeon saying he wasn't overly concerned at this stage but the abnormalities did need checking as they can go on to become cancerous. I would be added to the MDT list and will get a call with my biopsy results. Im hoping that a telephone call indicates its not likely to be anything super bad. I have my colleague lab staff and pathologist ready to do a covert operation so that it can be kept discreet from my workmates.
I suppose I'm lucky it's been picked up, I am only 44 so have a way to go before I get routine mammograms. And I guess in a way I'm glad my discomfort has a potential cause.
I'll be back at work tomorrow, I'm not going to brood about it as at least I know it's not overtly abnormal on exam and mammogram.
Hope everyone is doing OK :)