thickened endometrium

Hi i have come on here for some advice please. I went to hospital beginning of Aug with heavy bleeding. I had a biposy taken on which i am still waitng the result. 

I had an urgent scan in the middle of August which showed a thickened endometrium of 50mm which is too thick. I am now worried. Has anyone else experienced this? 

  • Hello my_soulmate,

    These symptoms can occur for different reasons, which can be hard to pinpoint, so you did the right thing to go to your doctor. Try not to worry as there's no way of knowing if it's serious until you have more information. You can find some tips to help with the wait here. I hope you get your results soon and do chase it up if you don't hear anything in the next couple of weeks.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi there 

    Just read your post wondered if you could share your results hope everything worked out ok for you. I am now in a similar position awaiting hysteroscopy as I have a 26mm endometrium.