Positive fit test and colonoscopy result.

Hi,Id just like to share my experiences that ive been through over the last few weeks for the benefit of people who are going through the same thing.

Im a 50 year old male and I recently had a fit test result of 16. Not massively over but over nonetheless. Immediately I'm thinking the worse and I was convinced I had bowel cancer. I'd noticed blood whilst wiping on the odd occasion which I'd never seen before. My other symptoms were a change in my toilet habits and occasionally I'd get stomach pains. I'm going to sound like a hypocrite here but stay off Google as it sent me doolally! My anxiety was worsened as well by a work colleague who's recently had bowel cancer but has since made a full recovery. 

Just because your fit test is high it doesn't mean you have cancer. It could be lots of things. Believe me I was the world's worst at being anxious to the point that it made me I'll. Share your thoughts with family and this forum helped me as well.

I had my colonoscopy today. They were really nice and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. The pre examination drink was fowl but I split my drinks into quarter measures and had one every 15 minutes,then the other 4 a few hours later. Be warned though, don't stray to far from a toilet. My colonoscopy was ok, I had the sedation and barely felt anything. They found I had internal piles,4 polops that they removed and I also have colitis. Apparently the colitis can cause slight bleeding. It's quite enflamed down there which I now have to take suppositories for the next month to hopefully get it back to normal. 

Don't be Afraid it could be anything and you really need to have the colonoscopy to give you the all clear and peace of mind.

Good luck and thank you to the good people on here who helped me. 

Take care. 


  • Yeah that is the normal time scale, but yeah it's hard trying not to worry x

  • Thanks! Funnily enough I was looking at Vienna yesterday!!

  • I know you feel like your in a terrible place right now and we've all been there. There is light at the end of the tunnel. 

  • Hope it’s ok to jump on! Did any of your doctors mention cancer? Or the report suggest cancer? As mine have.They’ve not told me not to worry or tell me it could be minor things. Im only in my 20s been bleeding heavily, blood clots Aswell for a month now with a very known past of stomach pains,bloating, piles ect but due to age we never investigated until I was admitted to hospital last year with serve stomach pains but I couldn’t get a colonoscopy then due to other reasons.I’ve had very loose stools randomly but mainly constipation. Also noticed I have a pain on my right side if I touch my lower stomach almost sharp. (I had my appendix removed). I wasn’t concerned for a second but the doctors seem concerned which is making me worry.I’m due a colonoscopy wi to in the next week.. 

  • Course ok to jump on..good to talk and share..report only says they've found blood and doesn't give any diagnosis as this only i think done by the colonoscopy..good you've got one next week..I guess your symptoms could be all sorts including IBS and so on..if they were worried about you last year then they would I tbink have done a whole lot of tests to find out causes so I guess try not to worry too much.at least not too long to wait for the test 

  • Thank you for the reply!Yes I seen the report and they have put down suspected colorectal cancer.. is this just a routine thing they note? The surgeon I spoke to on the phone also mentioned the word but considering my age I didn’t think this could even be a suggestion? They did want me to have investigations last year but it wasn’t possible due to other problems and I declined my fit test came back quite high but that’s not suprising with the amount of blood loss.It’s nice to see all these posts turn into minor things I just hope that’s the same with mine. 

  • Hi Bear562, yes they put on my husbands letter that it’s suspected cancer but I’m still hoping that it’s not. He had his virtual CTC on Monday, we have to wait for results of that. It was only found as he had a blood test for his other cancers and low iron was found, he did have a bit of blood in his poo but thought it was from piles. It’s such a scary journey when cancer is mentioned. He has 3 other cancers and doing ok so just remember it’s not all doom and gloom. You’re young so I’d have thought you will be ok. My grandson 23 had bleeding and IBS was found, I’m sure you’ll be ok.My husbands 80 by the way. Good luck and keep us posted as I’ll do the same thing when we hear anything xx

    Steve  Vienna  sound good, go for it, we’re still hoping for Tenerife before Christmas, if cancers and insurance play the game xx

  • Hi I had a Colonoscopy and a Hysteroscopy last year because after a few tests bloods fit test etc I was told over the phone they suspected Ovarian Cancer ,it turned out to be nothing too serious so just because they suspect it doesn't mean it definitely is .

  • Hiya..yes looks like others have said that just suspected doesn't mean it is..and hopefully just IBS or something similar....do post on here after your colonoscopy..is definitely helping me to hear positive news people get..

  • Hi sue glad to hear your husband's other cancers doing well and hope you both do get away on holiday..Tenerrife is really nice..I am same though re having piles off and on since childbirth and have had little bits of blood for years because of them.. I am hoping this might be the cause for me but as the test says hidden ie occult blood this is what makes me worry...x