Positive fit test and colonoscopy result.

Hi,Id just like to share my experiences that ive been through over the last few weeks for the benefit of people who are going through the same thing.

Im a 50 year old male and I recently had a fit test result of 16. Not massively over but over nonetheless. Immediately I'm thinking the worse and I was convinced I had bowel cancer. I'd noticed blood whilst wiping on the odd occasion which I'd never seen before. My other symptoms were a change in my toilet habits and occasionally I'd get stomach pains. I'm going to sound like a hypocrite here but stay off Google as it sent me doolally! My anxiety was worsened as well by a work colleague who's recently had bowel cancer but has since made a full recovery. 

Just because your fit test is high it doesn't mean you have cancer. It could be lots of things. Believe me I was the world's worst at being anxious to the point that it made me I'll. Share your thoughts with family and this forum helped me as well.

I had my colonoscopy today. They were really nice and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. The pre examination drink was fowl but I split my drinks into quarter measures and had one every 15 minutes,then the other 4 a few hours later. Be warned though, don't stray to far from a toilet. My colonoscopy was ok, I had the sedation and barely felt anything. They found I had internal piles,4 polops that they removed and I also have colitis. Apparently the colitis can cause slight bleeding. It's quite enflamed down there which I now have to take suppositories for the next month to hopefully get it back to normal. 

Don't be Afraid it could be anything and you really need to have the colonoscopy to give you the all clear and peace of mind.

Good luck and thank you to the good people on here who helped me. 

Take care. 


  • He ended up staying in hospital for nearly 2 weeks but that was down to getting an infection. He was up and walking about the 2nd day after the operation and went for daily walks round the hospital. He’s was able to start doing most things about 4 weeks after the op but taking it very easy. He even managed to drive and do a little bit of Christmas shopping. We are window cleaners and work together and it’s only been last week when he came and did a couple of hours with me, again taking it easy. He still gets a dull ache but that’s to be expected as it’s a major operation. Just make sure you take it easy, he’s found that the pain after the operation hasn’t been as painful as he expected. He stopped taking painkillers regularly about 3 weeks after the op, and just takes them when he needs them. He’s using cocodamol far more than the codeine he was prescribed as he didn’t like the way it made him feel. One bit of advice I will say, which is easier for woman I guess, is lots of loose clothing, he struggled for a while with the waist band on trousers as they were positioned right on some of his scars. 

    I’m doing far better than I was, it’s been really hard mentally but now we are through the worst bit it’s getting easier. Seeing he is ok and recovering so well really helps! 

    I’ll be thinking about you over the next few weeks and keep me updated on how your operation goes, if I think of any other things I’ll let you know, and if you have any questions you can think of feel free to message me xx

  • Ah thank you so much for your reply...sounds like recovery maybe not as fearful as I've been worrying about...I'm a real wimp re pain and they have said it will be morphine thru the drip and to get out of bed 2nd day...so hoping will be possible to shower and so on..I seem to have quite a lot of people who want to visit when I'm in there So hoping will ok for that and also able to wash and do hair and make up and so on..my work being brilliant and no rush back to work so that's good..

    Did they give meds to take home? I hope they will prescribe things rather than just having to buy paracetamol etc.

    I hope your husband does so well re chemo and that you both can put it behind you..we have booked a cruise for Sept to give something nice to focus on and hope you two got something planned.. 

    Good thinking re loose clothing.. they have said I'll likely lose weight through this so hoping things will be looser although I'm standard bmi so don't need to lose weight but would be a positive to drop a few pounds.. 

    Glad u feeling a bit better...dont think I will till after all is done and sorted I know..only just over a week to go.


  • my partner had morphine through a drip then on the second day they changed it to morphine tablets, he also had a fentanyl patch. When he was discharged he was prescribed dihydrocodeine and paracetamol. they should prescribe you medication to take home. If it wasn’t for the infection he would have only been in hospital for 5 days. He was much more comfortable when he got home, I bought a lot of extra pillows so he could get comfortable whilst sitting and lying down. The thing he found caused the most discomfort was getting up, but again that didn’t last too long maybe 3 weeks ish. 

    You’ll probably be on a low residue diet whilst there, luckily the hospital my partner was in had some good choices and when he was discharged the surgeon told him he didn’t have to continue that at home and could eat normally. 

    Just keep thinking that it won’t be long until you’re relaxing on that cruise! We are going to have a big celebration once his Chemo has finished and he’s got the all clear but we are waiting to book anything until we know it’s all finished with. 

    Make sure you do something nice a few days before your operation to help take your mind off it, easier said than done I know but you’re in good hands and it will all be over soo xx

  • Hi all, sorry me again probably still catastrophising but waiting for my biopsy results and I'm still going out of my mind mostly because I still  have unexplained symptoms.  Am just worried that the 10mm polyp removed will come back as cancerous despite being given a positive indication that all looks fine. 

    I know there's nothing I can do until  I get the biopsy result  but I can't shake this feeling of dread. I really hoped I'd be put at ease  after the colonscopy.  I know what is advised but in reality do they usually 'know' if its not cancer at the colonscopy?  I wonder how often they are confident then get the biopsy results which suggest otherwise. 

    They said colon otherwise looked healthy but would  that even make a difference. Surely if the polyp is cancerous, they have to go back in and get a biopsy of lymph nodes and then the journey starts 

    I know you'll all tell me I'm crazy and need to relax!

  • Hi Mark.  I’d imagine the surgeon or whoever is doing the colonoscopy has seen enough to know more or less what generally appears normal . However no one can predict the pathology results until they’re reported on so unfortunately it’s a continuation of the waiting game.    

    stress can play havoc both on our mental as well as physical health and maybe some of your symptoms could be coming from your anxiety. I’d recommend trying to relax as much as possible. Maybe try some relaxation podcasts ?  Also try and maintain your normal social life and keep as busy as possible. I found distraction was a great help. 

    perhaps speak to your GP re counselling.  It’s difficult not to worry but seriously try and focus on “ Facts not thoughts “. Good luck 

  • I totally sympathise with you!! 5 weeks on and I’m still waiting (likely another 2/3 weeks for me) no matter how many times I tell myself I’m fine, it is still playing on my mind! 
    perhaps call your consultants secretary, I did last week and though no results yet, she was very kind and I felt a little better for it! 

  • Thanks Eve, 

    Yes totally agree there is certainly a level of stress partly health anxiety but also  I am in the midst of not a very pleasant divorce which started just after my mother passed away in August so it does all hit the target for stress not to mention the day job and single parenting (50%)  but  I'm also aware that there was a 10mm polyp which was just on the large cusp. I think absent any polyps I would probably put it down to stress but until pathology I can't do that.  

    Meeting GP on Wednesday to look at some CBT or EMDR.  

    I've had a fair share of brutal trauma in life and its never effected my like this. I've always generally been able to manage stress . 

  • I did email a couple of times today but she simply resent the outcome of the colonscopy with no comments on the results. I do have a meeting with the consultant next week so I suppose I just need to park it mentally until then 

  •   Helen I had replied to your last post but must be floating in the ether somewhere.  Just wanted to wish you all the best.   Loose clothes definitely, maybe go up a size. You don’t want anything tight pressing on your wound.  I’d also suggest a long phone charger , in ear plugs, an eye mask and pack of wet wipes when you can’t get out of bed but want to freshen up.   Not too long to go. Take care.  

  • Hiya..v many thanks for your message.. so many useful information and tips too..do appreciate it..and does sound very helpful that 3 weeks on things were much improved.. been putting my bag together for hospital and packing what hopefully will be a relaxed outfit in to go home in..I think I'll.have morphine drip when I'm in there but hoping they'll give similar meds to go home with..

    So hoping chemo goes OK for him.and then you can both book a lovely holiday somewhere as you both so deserve it!!! 

    I had a few plans for this week but they have been really clear I need to stay well away from people not to catch covid...is freezing cold here in East Anglia so prob going to not do too much but will try to go swimming as leisure center not that busy and extremely warm so should be OK.

    6 days now and counting...anxiety and fear increasing but knew I'd feel like that xx