Positive fit test and colonoscopy result.

Hi,Id just like to share my experiences that ive been through over the last few weeks for the benefit of people who are going through the same thing.

Im a 50 year old male and I recently had a fit test result of 16. Not massively over but over nonetheless. Immediately I'm thinking the worse and I was convinced I had bowel cancer. I'd noticed blood whilst wiping on the odd occasion which I'd never seen before. My other symptoms were a change in my toilet habits and occasionally I'd get stomach pains. I'm going to sound like a hypocrite here but stay off Google as it sent me doolally! My anxiety was worsened as well by a work colleague who's recently had bowel cancer but has since made a full recovery. 

Just because your fit test is high it doesn't mean you have cancer. It could be lots of things. Believe me I was the world's worst at being anxious to the point that it made me I'll. Share your thoughts with family and this forum helped me as well.

I had my colonoscopy today. They were really nice and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. The pre examination drink was fowl but I split my drinks into quarter measures and had one every 15 minutes,then the other 4 a few hours later. Be warned though, don't stray to far from a toilet. My colonoscopy was ok, I had the sedation and barely felt anything. They found I had internal piles,4 polops that they removed and I also have colitis. Apparently the colitis can cause slight bleeding. It's quite enflamed down there which I now have to take suppositories for the next month to hopefully get it back to normal. 

Don't be Afraid it could be anything and you really need to have the colonoscopy to give you the all clear and peace of mind.

Good luck and thank you to the good people on here who helped me. 

Take care. 


  • At least things are happening now. I'm sure my mate at work had to wait a couple of months for surgery. He said it made no difference to the cancer growth. It was keyhole surgery he had. He said they were Fantastic with him. He's made a complete recovery. 

  • Oh Helen I so wish it could have been better news for you, I’ve read though and I’m sure you will have done that bowel cancers slow growing. Things seem to be happening now and it’s not long till November. Keep in touch with us all, HUGS xx

  • Hiya..that's good to hear..did he have a polyp too? They said 5 to 7 days in hospital but not sure what time is needed to recover at home..think u mentioned a couple of months in all for him?

  • Thanks Sue..yes I wish better news..they did say today that is is a small polyp at 15mm so I do hope is caught early.. and your husband's is very similar I think too..not long till his colonoscopy now x

  • He had 3 polyps. 1 was cancerous. He was off work for 3 months in total. I'm sure he said he was in hospital for 4 days. 

    Now he's back at work he wishes he was off again!

  • Lol re being off..

    Was he off after diagnosis or from surgery and after? I've got couple of weeks off at moment but not sure if I'll get signed off for longer as not unwell as such..

  • Stupidly googled survival rates earlier.....I wish I hadn't!!! The nurse did say not to...

  • That was definitely a bad move googling Helen, there’s so much they can do now and yours isn’t all that big considering I’ve read big ones, let’s hope they can just take it off with a bit of bowel and nothing else is needed, I’m sure it’s found early as not all that big compared to some. Yes my husband’s biggest is 16mm so more or les the same as yours and like you no symptoms at all, start the prep at 5 tomorrow how he’ll manage that with no stomach I don’t know or it could work in his favour. Stay strong lovely xx

  • Omg I can't believe you did that 

    And now it's made you even more paranoid?

    Tbh I can kind of understand why you've done that as it sounds like the kind of thing id of done.

    Bless you, your really going through the mill here aren't you.

  • Helen most of those Google Stats are way out of Date ,as we know cancer treatments have improved so much over recent years so I wouldn't pay too much attention to them ,in an ideal world you would be having your surgery next week so you could quickly get on with your life but because of backlogs  shortage of staff and Doctors strikes you are having to wait for quite a long time ,I would let them know that you are available at short notice if there are any cancellations that's a possibility or as you say you could possibly get seen quicker if you can get a private appointment .