Positive fit test and colonoscopy result.

Hi,Id just like to share my experiences that ive been through over the last few weeks for the benefit of people who are going through the same thing.

Im a 50 year old male and I recently had a fit test result of 16. Not massively over but over nonetheless. Immediately I'm thinking the worse and I was convinced I had bowel cancer. I'd noticed blood whilst wiping on the odd occasion which I'd never seen before. My other symptoms were a change in my toilet habits and occasionally I'd get stomach pains. I'm going to sound like a hypocrite here but stay off Google as it sent me doolally! My anxiety was worsened as well by a work colleague who's recently had bowel cancer but has since made a full recovery. 

Just because your fit test is high it doesn't mean you have cancer. It could be lots of things. Believe me I was the world's worst at being anxious to the point that it made me I'll. Share your thoughts with family and this forum helped me as well.

I had my colonoscopy today. They were really nice and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. The pre examination drink was fowl but I split my drinks into quarter measures and had one every 15 minutes,then the other 4 a few hours later. Be warned though, don't stray to far from a toilet. My colonoscopy was ok, I had the sedation and barely felt anything. They found I had internal piles,4 polops that they removed and I also have colitis. Apparently the colitis can cause slight bleeding. It's quite enflamed down there which I now have to take suppositories for the next month to hopefully get it back to normal. 

Don't be Afraid it could be anything and you really need to have the colonoscopy to give you the all clear and peace of mind.

Good luck and thank you to the good people on here who helped me. 

Take care. 


  • Expect you doing same as me and just googling and trying to find something positive to focus on...I so hope turns out good for both of us...hugs too and one for your husband too x

  • Ahh bless you Helen. Yes I’ve done the googling, there’s so many different things, names, treatments.too much to take in. Again good luck and to you Sam for the 23rd xxx

  • Hi hope you don't mind me jumping on your post. I've just seen your post Steve. I'm 50 and I've been having abdominal pains now for 8 weeks. I've also had weight loss, tiredness and my bowel habits have changed. I've just had a FIT test and that has come back abnormal. So I've been told I need a colonoscopy for suspected cancer. I've read this post and it has given me some relief but I am worried as you can imagine. 

  • Hiya.Amanda..course ok to jump on..this thread been really helpful for me as I don't think anyone else can really describe what it feels like unless you going through it.. the worry is just the worst..and waiting.. to reassure you though the colonoscopy was totally fine..I had sedation and would recommend it..I couldn't feel them taking the 1 polyp off or taking biopsies..I guess like most of us on here they'll likely find polyps..hope you not got too long to wait before yours x

  • Hi Helen thank you for replying. Yes the worry is the worst. I made the mistake and looked on the net but then I found this group so that has helped. OK thanks i am dreading the colonoscopy and drinking the stuff it sounds awful. But I have taken on board the tips of the straw. When do you get the results from yours? X

  • No worries..yeah I did too re the net..then stopped! Mind you all I'm doing over last few days is googling pictures of polyps..anyhow yes straw good and def recommend the strong flavoured ice pop too...2nd drink was nicer than the first one..they give you results straightaway after the colonoscopy x

  • Ah bless you. I bet you are. Hard time for you. Hope the results aren't too bad for you. Thanks for the advice much appreciated x

  • Hi Amanda72 and sorry you find your self here but it’s good to chat, as you may have read it’s my husband who has the problem, he had a virtual CTC on the 11th Sep and needs a colonoscopy as 5 polyps we’re found the biggest 16mm, it’s so scary and the waiting doesn’t help at all. He’s received his moviprep so now waiting for a phone call with a nurse I think and an appointment for the colonoscopy. It started middle of Aug on a 2 week wait from a positive FIT test, here we are 2 months later still waiting..I hope you don’t have to wait that long Amanda, good look and keep posting x

  • Hi Sue thank you for replying. I'm sorry about your husband it's a very stressful time for you. I hope he gets his appointment soon and foesmt have to wait too much longer. No the waiting is awful and the not knowing. Hopefully I will hear soon x

  • Sorry for jumping in but I’m 26 and had symptoms of constipation, change in bowel habits, slight weight loss. I recently had a stool test with 83 calprotectin. I have been advised to do another test in 2 weeks but the waiting is driving me nuts.