Positive fit test and colonoscopy result.

Hi,Id just like to share my experiences that ive been through over the last few weeks for the benefit of people who are going through the same thing.

Im a 50 year old male and I recently had a fit test result of 16. Not massively over but over nonetheless. Immediately I'm thinking the worse and I was convinced I had bowel cancer. I'd noticed blood whilst wiping on the odd occasion which I'd never seen before. My other symptoms were a change in my toilet habits and occasionally I'd get stomach pains. I'm going to sound like a hypocrite here but stay off Google as it sent me doolally! My anxiety was worsened as well by a work colleague who's recently had bowel cancer but has since made a full recovery. 

Just because your fit test is high it doesn't mean you have cancer. It could be lots of things. Believe me I was the world's worst at being anxious to the point that it made me I'll. Share your thoughts with family and this forum helped me as well.

I had my colonoscopy today. They were really nice and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. The pre examination drink was fowl but I split my drinks into quarter measures and had one every 15 minutes,then the other 4 a few hours later. Be warned though, don't stray to far from a toilet. My colonoscopy was ok, I had the sedation and barely felt anything. They found I had internal piles,4 polops that they removed and I also have colitis. Apparently the colitis can cause slight bleeding. It's quite enflamed down there which I now have to take suppositories for the next month to hopefully get it back to normal. 

Don't be Afraid it could be anything and you really need to have the colonoscopy to give you the all clear and peace of mind.

Good luck and thank you to the good people on here who helped me. 

Take care. 


  • Thank you yeah fingers crossed the lump they found on CT scan is nothing serious, and yes my Colonoscopy came back all clear got letter yesterday confirming it all too xx

  • Hi lovely’s, just received his moviprep not got a date yet, have to wait for further instructions!!  I don’ know why he has to have that one with 1ltr x2, no stomach so where’s it going to go to, Ive phoned up the bowel nurse to ask. I was hoping he may have got something like you had Helen or picolax  Just hoping they know what they’re doing though, no stomach, 1 kidney. Take care people x

  • 1 litre x 2? Mine was 500ml x 2. Seems a bit much?

  • Hiya lovely..that sounds a lot to drink..altho when I separated the 500mls into 4 drinks it was quite small and then did same with another 500mls of water..so did work out not too bad..would def recommend the ice pop to have immediately after and using a straw too if your husband ok with that.. I did hold my nose too which is easier with a straw I think and that worked OK...to be honest it really was not as bad as I'd been dreading..made it out to be worse in my mind.. do let me know what bowel nurse says xx

  • I’ve just receive a phone call from the bowel nurse after leaving a message, she said he can drink it over a longer time, so long as it’s done by 2hr before so not too bad. I made the mistake of asking how big they were, the biggest is a little bigger than yours Helen 16mm, wish I’d never asked now. What are they doing about yours Helen, I can’t remember if you said they’d taken it off or not. I’ll read back when I post this. Thanks everyone for been there x

  • No worries. It's priceless for even a few words of comfort off someone. Even if it's quite brief. 

  • Hi Sue..that sounds good re the drink over a long time..mine is 1.5mm so almost exactly the same..they have taken biopsies and I should get results Monday or Tuesday.i expect they'll cut your husband's out when he has colonoscopy and send off for testing. They didn't cut mine out as looks a mix between an inflammatory polyp and one with something called pit..which has 5 stages and so they said is unusual and they couldn't tell if malignant or not so left it where it was..it will be taken out either by colonoscopy if non malignant or by surgery if it is x

  • Here's hoping for a good result on Mon/Tues Helen ,I hope you're feeling a bit better now you know what they intend to do ,either way whatever it turns out to be it will be gone soon then you can get on with life instead of thinking about results and appointments x

  • Just more waiting ey, but let’s hope it turns out good for both of us, keep us posted how you get on and big hugs x

  • Hiya jenny..I guess at moment I'm in a state of panic till I know if malignant or not....didn't expect a big polyp or one that has what i now know is a pit pattern...been googling the pics trying to work out what stage it is at as there are 5 stages..first 2 are nothing to worry about..3 and above are...sounds like I should know on Monday or Tuesday so guess will then know how much I should be worrying..trying to hold onto fact I have no symptoms at all...but is hard to do....x