Oh my, the waiting just gets harder.

3 weeks on Thursday since I had my biopsy, phoned the breast nurse today, results still aren't in.  When they are, I will still have to wait for the MDT meeting before getting an appointment.  This is hard.

  • I know , the waiting is hell isn’t it? I was lucky in that my results took a week but I’ve known others to take 3/4 depending on where you live x Keep your chin up , keep busy& good luck! X

  • Thank you. They have promised to let me know when the results are in, even if the MDT meeting hasn't been held about them, at least once I know the department has them, then I'll know it won't be very long before I get my appointment.

  • Let us know how you get on . Sending a hug x

  •  Hi  I hope you get the results back soon. Three weeks is a long time. Fingers crossed for you they are good outcome. You were kind enough to comment on my post last week when I’d found an indent under my left breast. After seeing the GP on Friday, I got a call from our hospital earlier and they have me booked into the breast Clinic tomorrow. Pretty quick really but now I feel sick with worry. Tried to keep myself busy over the weekend but making up for it now as I’ve not stopped crying all night scared of what might be found tomorrow. Not sure why I’m telling you this other than maybe letting you know I know how hard the waiting and not knowing is. I’ll update my post when I’ve been to my appointment. Might have to have a couple of whiskies before I go to bed or I’ll probably not sleep.

    Take care and hopefully tomorrow you’ll have the results back.

    Emma xx

  • The waiting and the not knowing is awful! Enjoy the whiskies!

  • Oh Emma, I hope you get answers tomorrow and don't have to do anymore waiting.  They did tell me it would be 2-3 weeks but I am now getting very impatient.  Just knowing that the department has the results will be helpful which means they will be discussed at the next MDT meeting, they have one on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Fingers crossed they are back in time for Friday's meeting, otherwise they won't be looked at until next Wednesday at the earliest which would be horrid.  Definitely let me know how you get on, everything crossed for you.

  • I spoke to the breast cancer nurse this afternoon.  Apparently my results are not showing on the system but my name is down for the MDT meeting tomorrow so someone might have them I guess.  I should hear something on Monday, if not, I am to phone on Tuesday and by then, apparently, they should be able to give me some concrete information.  I am not quite convinced they will be able to since, if the results don't arrive in time for tomorrow's meeting, they will have to wait until after the next MDT meeting which is not until next Wednesday, so another week which will take me up to 4 weeks of waiting.

  • That waiting is so long Nettie bless you xx 

  • That’s awful! More waiting! I’m so sorry to hear that xx Hope you get some good news soon x