Terrified!! Breast indent when raising arms..

A few days ago when I raised my arms to pin my hair up I noticed a large indent underneath my left breast. I do feel for lumps when I’m in the shower but never usually take any notice in the mirror. The indent only shows when I’m raising my arms and is underneath my breast on the inside. No idea how long it’s been there. I’ve lost a stone and a half in the last 3 months and I am wondering if being a bit fatter maybe disguised the indent? Anyway, when I saw it initially I hoped I’d been sitting in a position where my bra may have dug in and that it would just disappear. It hasn’t and the more I look at it in the mirror the worse it looks. I have a GP appointment booked for tomorrow but I am absolutely worried sick. I’m 42 and have large (36G) and extremely far from perky breasts and feel so embarrassed already about having to bare all to the Doctor but I’m also thinking because they’re so big it might make it harder to detect anything? Doctor Google has absolutely scared me to death as everything l have seen so far implies an indent is a sign of advanced and aggressive cancer. I’ve spent all day today crying and convincing myself it’s going to be the worst case scenario. I’m not sure why I’m posting in here as I know that without any examinations or tests there are no definitive answers but I don’t have anybody else to talk to. Any positive stories would be good.

Thank you for taking time to read this,


  • fibroglandular Is just breast tissue which is fatty/lumpy and very common, especially in younger woman. I also have an area on my left breast which they described as thickening/dense and I had to have an ultra sound scan and it’s fine. It’s not cancer. however because it’s dense tissue, which is naturally lumpy it can make it harder to spot cancerous changes, especially with a mammogram, they tend to do an ultra sound, which is effective. They told me my breasts will prob change when I’m older and be less dense. So they must just be been thorough and keeping an eye on you. I wish mine had put me down for another scan, as a follow up, as would help with my anxiety.  Xx

  • Also m1 and m2 just means normal/benign I believe xx

  • I think fibroglandular density is fatty tissue and I think it’s more difficult to see things on mammogram , so possibly do an ultrasound scan 

  • Hi Emma/ladies

    I was just thinking, when you went to the breast clinic for  app, did they examine both breasts as standard? I’m going out of my mind and trying to calm myself down.

    I was actually at rhe Brest clinic 7 months ago, as I had a lump in my other breast which was fine. But I’m trying to remember if she examine both breasts as part of my consultation, in almost sure she did.
    I was just trying to reassure myself a little that if this lump/dent was present then, they might have felt it, or seen it, so might be a more recent change.


  • Hi Casey, the consultant I saw did a full examination on both breasts and then I had a mammogram on both breasts and an ultrasound on the bottom of my left breast where the indent is.

    My health anxiety is creeping back now as I’m wondering if there’s anything the mammogram and ultrasound haven’t picked up. My next consultation will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I’m already wishing September away.

    Hope you were ok at work today and managed to soldier through.

    Emma xx

  • Thanks Emma, that’s made me feel slightly better. I’m trying to focus on, the fact that the consultant would have picked up anything back then, so this must be a new change, so if it’s the worst case scenario, then it’s early. How I got through work today I don’t know, I had to have a cry on my lunch :(. And a few in the disabled toilet and I look and feel like a zombie :(. 

    M1 and M2 is what the usually put on mammograms and that means normal and benign. I believe M4 means suspicious/cancer so they haven’t picked anything up, from the report they sent you.
    It sounds like to me, as you have dense/fibroglandular breast tissue they are just being cautious and keeping an eye on you. I have this too on my side of my breast and find it impossible to do self checks as all I feel is lumps, so I’m going to ask if I can go back for regular scans for reassurance. 

    ultrasounds are very good and very accurate. If you’ve had both a mammogram and an ultra sound then that’s double checks, so try and focus on that.


  • Thanks Casey. I know you’re right and they are probably just being cautious. I’d rather be called back and checked again than just left if there’s any chance they could have missed something. Unfortunately sometimes I just can’t make myself think rationally and is going to be on my mind now right up to bloody October!! Have wondered if I should speak to the Doctor about my Health Anxiety because it is really severe and completely consumes me when I think there could be something wrong. I’m not sure if it’s a thing that anti-anxiety tablets could help with or not.

    Anyway, there’s only tomorrow for you to get yourself through and then your appointment will be here. Is it a morning appointment so you can get it over with early?

    Emma xx

  • I suffer with sever health anxiety since losing a close family member so know how you feel. I over think everything and have difficulty trusting doctors and read unto everything they say. 
    I’ve been referred for help with mine.
    It’s at 10.40 on wed. I’m beyond petrified and exhausted. I feel physically ill from the worry :( xx

  • I’m glad you don’t have to drag it out until the afternoon on Wednesday. I hope you don’t mind me asking but what kind of help are they going to give you for your health anxiety? Everything you say about overthinking and lack of trust is 100% me. I think I’ve read so many bad articles about stuff being missed that I’ve convinced myself it’s happening to me. I was ok for a few days after leaving the breast clinic until I received the follow up and the letter today that says they’re seeing me again because it’s a clinical concern. That’s just opened up a whole new door to the world of overthinking and 6 weeks is a long way off. I’m sorry for going on about it I guess it’s just good to be able to share it with somebody who understands.


    Emma xx

  • I’m 100% the same as you Emma, so you can chat to me about it anytime. I am my own worst enemy and also think of the worst case scenario and drive myself insane. I have been offered CBT, not convinced it will help but I’m willing to give it ago as feel like this consumes my life and obsessing about cancer etc. I’ve had a few cancer scares in the last 3 years so that’s what triggered it for me I think. 
    I’ve not tried medication yet but I think they can offer something to help xx