Terrified!! Breast indent when raising arms..

A few days ago when I raised my arms to pin my hair up I noticed a large indent underneath my left breast. I do feel for lumps when I’m in the shower but never usually take any notice in the mirror. The indent only shows when I’m raising my arms and is underneath my breast on the inside. No idea how long it’s been there. I’ve lost a stone and a half in the last 3 months and I am wondering if being a bit fatter maybe disguised the indent? Anyway, when I saw it initially I hoped I’d been sitting in a position where my bra may have dug in and that it would just disappear. It hasn’t and the more I look at it in the mirror the worse it looks. I have a GP appointment booked for tomorrow but I am absolutely worried sick. I’m 42 and have large (36G) and extremely far from perky breasts and feel so embarrassed already about having to bare all to the Doctor but I’m also thinking because they’re so big it might make it harder to detect anything? Doctor Google has absolutely scared me to death as everything l have seen so far implies an indent is a sign of advanced and aggressive cancer. I’ve spent all day today crying and convincing myself it’s going to be the worst case scenario. I’m not sure why I’m posting in here as I know that without any examinations or tests there are no definitive answers but I don’t have anybody else to talk to. Any positive stories would be good.

Thank you for taking time to read this,


  • Thanks Emma, I’m an absolute mess and struggling to do my job today and I can’t stop crying and can’t sleep. It’s absolutely horrific isn’t it and would do anything for some relief from this awful feeling. 
    I might be an error, or possibly down to dense or large breasts, as mentioned before. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, because they’d be getting you in much quicker if there was a problem and not waiting until October. Keep trying and let us know how it get on xx 

  • Hi   still no answer. I’m wondering if it’s best just keeping the appointment in case anything changes in the next 6 weeks. I really feel for you because I know exactly what you’re going through. I honestly have got everything crossed for you being able to skip out of the hospital on Wednesday with an all clear outcome. Do try and get out somewhere this weekend to see if it helps for a bit. L

    Emma xx

  • Thanks Emma I really appreciate that. I’m on my own tonight, so going to get a bath and try and get some sleep and eat something, or maybe watch a film in bed and try to take my kind of this worry and stop googling. 

    yes keep the app, but I don’t think you need to worry. If it was anything urgent they’d be getting you back in the next two weeks, not in 6 weeks. Xx hope you have a lovely weekend 

  • Hi  just wondering how you’re doing? Wednesday isn’t far away now. I tried calling the hospital all day on Friday and couldn’t get anybody in the breast clinic. I received an appointment letter on Saturday and it says ‘Breast Surgery appointment’ on it. Needless to say my anxiety has come back over the weekend because I can’t understand why I’d have a breast surgery appointment. I’ve decided I’m going to the hospital tomorrow to ask at reception what it’s about because I can’t spend another day ringing and ringing and getting nowhere and panicking over it. Anyway, I hope you managed to enjoy the weekend somewhat. You’re only a couple of days away now from hopefully getting all clear.

    Emma xx

  • Hi Emma 

    thanks so much for checking up on me. If I’m honest I’m worse :(. I’ve spent all weekend in bed sobbing and not really slept since Thursday and I feel awful. I don’t know how I can cope with this fear, but I know I have no choice. I some how have to go to work tomorrow and pull myself together and I’m not sure how and with no sleep for days  :(. I’m looking forward to wed but also petrified I don’t get any answers and have to wait even longer as I’m going to end up really ill going on like this :(. 
    i think they have messed up with your letter and have sent you that letter in error! Even If (very very unlikely) they happened to look through your scan when you left and found something, they would ring you and not just randomly send you a letter for surgery. Plus they’d need to biopsy etc to determine surgery, I honestly think they have messed up their end and send you it by accident. Please let me know what they say. This is the last thing you need after days of worrying?

    take care xx

  • Oh   I really feel for you. I was hoping you’d managed to enjoy some of the weekend. I made myself really ill over the days I was waiting and cried until my face was dry because there was nothing left. Wednesday will soon be here though. Hard as it is, maybe being at work tomorrow it may take your mind off things a bit. I’ll definitely update after I’ve spoken to the hospital. As you can imagine my mind has been in overdrive this weekend even though I’m sure, as you say, they would have called if they had found something. Really hope you manage to get some sleep tonight. You must be feeling exhausted.

    Emma xx

  • Thanks Emma. 
    got couple of hours sleep I think, just trying to get ready for work but can’t stop crying and so exhausted. Please let me know what hospital say xx 

  • Wishing you all the best for Wednesday . The waiting is just awful ,let us know how you get on 

    R xx

  • So after going to the hospital this morning to find out what my appointment is for, I’ve received a letter today with a full review of the appointment I had.

    It says ‘on inspection there is flattening of the contour of the left breast at 7 o’ clock position with mild thickening of the tissues. No lumps could be felt. Bilateral mammograms have shown there are scattered areas fibroglandular density  M2 Right, M2 Left. Ultrasound on left breast in area of concern reveals normal appearances. However, given this clinical concern in her left breast I will see her back in clinic in 6 weeks time’.

    Does anybody know if mild skin thickening can be normal or what ‘scattered areas fibroglandular density’ actually means, or M2 Right and M2 Left?

    I am trying my hardest with keeping off Google after the state I got myself j to previously.

    Thank you for any information,

    Emma xz