Terrified!! Breast indent when raising arms..

A few days ago when I raised my arms to pin my hair up I noticed a large indent underneath my left breast. I do feel for lumps when I’m in the shower but never usually take any notice in the mirror. The indent only shows when I’m raising my arms and is underneath my breast on the inside. No idea how long it’s been there. I’ve lost a stone and a half in the last 3 months and I am wondering if being a bit fatter maybe disguised the indent? Anyway, when I saw it initially I hoped I’d been sitting in a position where my bra may have dug in and that it would just disappear. It hasn’t and the more I look at it in the mirror the worse it looks. I have a GP appointment booked for tomorrow but I am absolutely worried sick. I’m 42 and have large (36G) and extremely far from perky breasts and feel so embarrassed already about having to bare all to the Doctor but I’m also thinking because they’re so big it might make it harder to detect anything? Doctor Google has absolutely scared me to death as everything l have seen so far implies an indent is a sign of advanced and aggressive cancer. I’ve spent all day today crying and convincing myself it’s going to be the worst case scenario. I’m not sure why I’m posting in here as I know that without any examinations or tests there are no definitive answers but I don’t have anybody else to talk to. Any positive stories would be good.

Thank you for taking time to read this,


  • Thinking of you all day. The waiting is the worst.  Xx

  • Hi everyone! Bloody amazing NHS and bloody amazing news! Nothing to worry about! All dear! Mammogram and ultrasound and full examination all good! Thank you all for your fabulous support! I am so incredibly grateful to you all! Those moments at 2am crying in bed trying to to wake hubby whilst also trying to figure out how to tell the children have melted away! 

  • Petals 

    im so happy get the wine open x lol 

  • I’m over the moon for you!! Absolutely fabulous news! You will sleep well tonight. So happy for you :). Hoping I get same news on Wednesday xx

  • Hi   that is amazing news!! I’m really pleased for you. The internet can be a horrible place sometimes. I know any changes must always be checked out but Doctor Google convinces you it’s worst case scenario. I hope our experiences will help other people who stumble onto this page to feel a little less anxious while they await a diagnosis. Take care and celebrate tonight.

    Emma xx

  • Hi petals,

    This is fantastic news. Now you can catch up on all that missed sleep and celebrate the good news with your family. I'm so pleased for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Slightly concerned again after being told they couldn’t find anything last week. I’ve just received a message on the NHS app for a ‘follow up’ appointment in October. They never said they’d need to see me again. Is a follow up appointment normal?

    Thanks Emma xx

  • Hi Emma, i wonder if they have logged a follow up by mistake. I know I had a dodgy mole which they checked and said it was ok and I panicked as they asked me to go back in 6 months, but they said they just wanted to check it again and nothing to be concerned about. But I obviously panicked!! If you had a clear scan etc, they usually discharge you from breast clinic there and then and if they’d found anything scary they would get you back within 2 weeks and not in October. I’d give them a bell. 
    well I’m a mess at the min and feel like Wednesday will never come :(. I’m not sure how to even function with this anxiety and I’m absolutely behind terrified. Any tips on coping please? Xx

  • Further to mu message I don’t suppose you have dense breasts do you?

    I read somewhere before if you have dense breasts, which can be naturally lumpy or it can be tricky to check your own breasts and they can even be harder to spot things on scans, so it can put you at a higher risk of breast cancer, prob coz we have less chance of picking up lumps etc, so in some circumstances, you can be eligible for scans ether more frequently or at an earlier age, as long as your over 40.

    so was just a thought that popped into my head. I know I’ve got dense breasts and always finding lumps, so going to ask in wed, if I’d be eligible for check ups as I’ve lost a close family memory to breast cancer too and think it would give me bit of reassurance :(  xx if defo ring and ask though as they should of told you 

  • Hi  I’ve tried calling the hospital a couple of times and it just rings and rings for ages then it cuts off. I will try again in an hour or so. I have no idea if I have dense breasts or not as it wasn’t mentioned. They are quite large thought so maybe that could make things harder to detect?

    Regarding how to cope while you wait, I was an absolute wreck for a week and a half. I didn’t cope well at all. Trying to keep myself busy helped a little for short periods of time but I still reverted to a blubbering wreck several times a day. As you can see from reading some of the posts on here there’s a good chance you’re worrying for nothing. I look back and think about how I wasted all those days making myself ill with all the stress but it’s hard to think rationally when you have something like this hanging over you.

    I hope you manage to enjoy some of the weekend. Going out helped me - being sat in the house made me worse as I was just sitting on the settee crying from all the overthinking.

    Emma xx