Terrified!! Breast indent when raising arms..

A few days ago when I raised my arms to pin my hair up I noticed a large indent underneath my left breast. I do feel for lumps when I’m in the shower but never usually take any notice in the mirror. The indent only shows when I’m raising my arms and is underneath my breast on the inside. No idea how long it’s been there. I’ve lost a stone and a half in the last 3 months and I am wondering if being a bit fatter maybe disguised the indent? Anyway, when I saw it initially I hoped I’d been sitting in a position where my bra may have dug in and that it would just disappear. It hasn’t and the more I look at it in the mirror the worse it looks. I have a GP appointment booked for tomorrow but I am absolutely worried sick. I’m 42 and have large (36G) and extremely far from perky breasts and feel so embarrassed already about having to bare all to the Doctor but I’m also thinking because they’re so big it might make it harder to detect anything? Doctor Google has absolutely scared me to death as everything l have seen so far implies an indent is a sign of advanced and aggressive cancer. I’ve spent all day today crying and convincing myself it’s going to be the worst case scenario. I’m not sure why I’m posting in here as I know that without any examinations or tests there are no definitive answers but I don’t have anybody else to talk to. Any positive stories would be good.

Thank you for taking time to read this,


  • Hi Emma,

    Thank you for letting us know about your breast clinic experience. I am absolutely delighted to hear this news and, I'm sure that it will be a great help to some people who are waiting to be seen. Sadly, Google is nobody's friend, when we're looking for answers of this kind. However, it is a fact that only 2 people, out of every 10 who attend the breast clinic, will get a cancer diagnosis.

    I sincerely hope that you continue to keep well and cancer free.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Emma I’m so happy xxx fantastic news xxxx 

  • That’s amazing news! I am in your situation indentation I am waiting gp referred me Monday my clinic date is a week today in Thursday! 
    I am petrified and not sleeping panicking about my children. 
    I haven’t lost weight so the indentation is a huge worry to me but your post is reassuring that you can come out with the all clear! Just feel sick with anxiety!

  • Hi Petals,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are in this unenviable situation too. This is always a worrying wait, but it is worth reminding yourself that only 2 people, out of every 10 who attend the breast clinic, will get a cancer diagnosis. Here's hoping that you'll be one of the lucky ones too.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Jolamine thank you so so much for your reply…. The not sleeping and feeling constantly sick is awful with anxiety. another 6 days to wait! x

  •  Hi   I’m sorry to hear you are in the same situation as I was. The stress and anxiety is unbelievable while you’re waiting. I felt just like you. I spent a couple of days just bursting into tears randomly on and off and couldn’t switch my mind to anything other than what Google had said. I even broke down in the hospital before the Doctor started his examination. I think initially he thought I was upset about being examined until I asked while sobbing if an indent always means cancer. He said no and various changes in the body, especially as you get older, can cause things like that as well including hormone changes and weight loss or gain. I’m in my mid 40’s.

    He did a really thorough examination of both my boobs and said he couldn’t feel anything at all that showed any cause to be concerned and that he wanted to do a mammogram and ultrasound to be doubly sure but felt confident it’d be clear. They did the mammogram on both and the ultrasound just on the one with the indent on. Instead of going to wait for the mammogram feeling reassured I was convinced it was going to show something bad and if it didn’t it would come up on the ultrasound instead.

    The good thing about how the breast clinic works is that within just over an hour I’d had all the tests done and was told there was nothing they could find at all. Honestly to say I was relieved is a massive understatement.

    I used to think I wasn’t normal because of my health anxiety but when I found this website I realised most people feel exactly the same to start with. I can’t really offer you any advice to deal with the wait because I was just like you but an indent doesn’t have to mean cancer. You are definitely doing right getting it checked out but hopefully next week you will be leaving your appointment with the all clear.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope it’s really good news. Please let us know how you get on.

    Emma xx

  • The waiting is the worst, hopefully your appointment will go as smoothly as Emma's did with the same outcome.  I liken the waiting to being on a tube train on the London Underground that has stopped between stations and no one is letting you know when they expect the train to move again, utterly helpless.  3 weeks yesterday and still no biopsy results, hopefully will know something by Tuesday.  Just wanted to add that most people get their biopsy results in 1-2 weeks, no one seems to know why mine are taking so long.

  • Emma I am so so grateful to you for your post! I ll absolutely keep you posted! We were due to go look at a puppy tomorrow but have had to lie to children to say breader can’t have us!  If it is cancer we can’t have a new puppy just wouldn’t be right or fair to puppy but oh my word the tears from the children! 
    feel sad all the time, spending nights awake and crying silently trying not to wake hubby and scared to enjoy a glass of wine in case I make the cancer I don’t know I have yet, worse! 
    but this forum is fabulous and I am so grateful thank you! 

  • Nettietoo thank you so much for your message I do hope you get your results soon! And I am hoping you get an all clear one x let us know how you get on x 

  • Petal 

    bless you I feel so sad for you but please try and not worry so much my lovely easier said that done I no keep as busy as you can my love xxx